Stellate Cells (SC) are morphologically characterized by dendrites that radiate from the main cell body leading to a star-like shape and giving rise to the name Stellate i.e. star-like. They can be found in various parts of the body such as: kidneys, lungs, liver, breast, and pancreas; some of these ones have been less thoroughly characterized compared to others such as hepatic SC [1-5]. Although the dissimilar microenvironment of SC in different parts of the body condition them to react different, it have been shown that they have morphological and biochemical similarities. In their quiescent state, they store and transports vitamin A compounds (retinoid) in the form of droplets in their cytoplast. During an injury they undergo structural…
Introduction Upper gastrointestinal bleeding can be manifested with hematemesis, melena or hematochezia. Acute bleeding due to gastroesophageal varices in cirrhotic patients is associated with higher morbidity, mortality rates as well as development of life-threatening complications. This bleeding significantly increase protein concentration in the bowel which results in increased ammonia production by colonic bacteria and precipitation of development of hepatic encephalopathy [1].…
The portal triad is typically approached from the right. A wide Kocher maneuver is performed to mobilize the duodenum and head of the pancreas. The ascending colon and hepatic flexure are mobilized with right medial visceral rotation. The duodenum and right colon are reflected to the left to expose the retro-pancreatic or supra-pancreatic portal vein. Occasionally, we enter the lesser sac and divide the neck of pancreas if exposure of more distal portal vein is required. Control of…
The Effect of Insulin and Glucagon Before and After Meals Lucy Foley Course number and section Experiment Date Lab Partners Introduction Blood glucose is the preferred energy source for our bodies. Blood glucose is the preferred fuel source for ATP production and neurons absolutely have to have glucose. Other cells can use alternative nutrients, such as fatty acids, glycerol, and amino acids. Without glucose, neurons cannot function meaning humans could seizure and/or die. There are two…
motor proteins attached to the vesicles. Microtubules can also expand or shrink in length in order to establish dynamic structures that can efficiently change the internal organization of the cell, and capture organelles through the cytosol. Intermediate filaments are made up of the protein keratin. Their primary function is to strengthen the internal structure of a cell. Microfilaments are the smallest among the three cytoskeletal filaments. They consist of protein actin. Microfilaments are…
In Aristotle’s view, everything in this world can be categorized. Living beings include plants and animal. The plant has nutritive soul and the animal process both nutritive soul and perceptive soul. If we discuss animal further, we can divide animal into rational animal, which is human, and non-rational animal. The essential feature of “being an animal” is perception. From the Aristotle Introductory Reading: “413b2: What makes something an animal is primarily perception.” Perception is…
Genetic Engineering is the modification of an organism 's genetic composition by artificial means, often involving the transfer of specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a plant or animal of an entirely different species. With this new, rapidly growing, technology we are now able to do things that we once thought were impossible. In Ethics and the New Genetics, the Dalai Lama addresses problems that we need to consider as we continue to explore this microscopic world that we have…
evolutionary time that has occurred. Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are in a class of proteins called molecular chaperones. (Kiang, J.; G, Tsokos. 1998). They are present in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes, in the cytosol, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. In humans they have a relatively long half-life of about 2 days (Baneyx, F. 2008). HSP70 are a specific type which are normally found in very low amounts within a cell, they can be expressed in response to external stimuli.…
Cell Transport and Permeability: Computer stimulation Jeffery Kirkland A&P Lab Courtney Charba April 17, 2015 Academic Integrity Statement: I affirm that this assignment reflects my own honest work and was completed with integrity according to the course’s academic integrity guidelines. This report is based on my own work and any ideas or words that are not my own are clearly indicated and their sources are correctly cited. Student Signature:…
In the case of a missing limb, the scientists would take stem cells from the patient and us it for the base of the new limb. If Humans mastered cloning then they could use that technology and the patient’s stem cells to construct a new arm, leg, ear, or whatever was missing without worrying too much about the patient’s body rejecting the foreign limb. In the case of organs the process would be more or less the same, if someone was dying of liver cancer, it would be possible to take out his…