Very preterm at the gestational age of 32 weeks or less and very low birth weight of approximately 3.3 pounds is expected to be the cause of attention problems in the childhood of people and leading into adulthood. The strength of these problems into adulthood has not been known. To test the theory The Bavarian Longitudinal Study is an awaiting friendly study that followed 260 very preterm and very low birth weight shortened as (VP/VLBW) and 229 full term gestational age 37-42 weeks individuals from birth to adulthood. The attention data were collected at three different times starting at age" 6, 8, and 26 years of age, using parent reports, expert behavior observations, and clinical ADHD diagnoses." Parents rated their children’s attention problems at 6 years and 8 years using the well-studied and validated…
Prenatal Exposure to Maternal Depression and Cortisol Influences Infant Temperament by Davis et al. from 2007 focuses on those long term behavioral affects of prenatal stress on children born to full-term and of normal gestational birth weight. These qualifiers assess for the affects of maternal stress on fetal and infant development without confounding affects of developmental disorders in preterm or low birth-weight children already at risk for neurodevelopmental problems. In this study of 247…
measured(16). Fig. 5: Ultrasonographic Measurement of Transverse cerebellar Diameter Table 5: Predicted Menstrual Age for Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD) measurements (29) TCD (mm) Menstrual Age (weeks) TCD (mm) Menstrual Age (weeks) 14 15.2 35 29.2 15 15.8 36 30.0 16 16.5 37 30.6 17 17.2 38 31.2 18 17.9 39 31.8…
Pregnancy and prenatal harm to offspring arise many issues. What is the right balance of the fetuses "rights" and the mother 's rights of bodily integrity? Finding the accommodating balance is both difficult and challenging. Both the fetus and mother must be analyzed and evaluated to come to an ultimatum deciding what is best for the unborn child, while also considering the mother 's rights to autonomy and bodily integrity. Robertson and Schulman say, "Ethical analysis must balance the mother…
readily crosses the placenta as the mother consumes it (Sigelman & Rider, 2014). Also, the damage that alcohol does to the baby is reliable on what stage of development the baby is in or the pattern of the drinking. For instance, women who heavily drink during the first trimester are likely to have a child born with facial abnormalities because this is the time that the face and bone skulls are forming. Or during the second and third trimesters when fetal growth and brain development are rapidly…
Randomization will be performed using a computer generated randomization allocation table by a computer technician not involved in the study. All participants will receive an opaque sealed envelope with the assigned randomization number and the instructions. The computerized random sampling method is appropriate because of its ease to use and accuracy of representation. Additionally, it eliminates selection bias and balances groups being studied (Suresh, 2011). Does the sample reflect the…
abnormalities (Noakes 2003). Following his analysis of the review undertaken in 2015. He goes on to conclude that women are in fact able to deal with moderate exercise in pregnancy with no increased risk of foetal abnormalities/low birth weight (Barakat et al 2015). Winter also mentions the suggestion made by Barakat et al, that health care workers should provide a supervised programme of limited exercise to all pregnant women, as it has been linked with an improvement in depression- related…
Gestational Diabetes Molloy College Samantha Bishop and Morgan Woods Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance, by any degree, with its beginning or first recognition happening during pregnancy. GDM encompasses women who have had preexisting diabetes that had not been diagnosed until pregnancy and woman whose intolerance to glucose emerges during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes differs from type 1 or type 2 diabetes in women that get pregnant. The…
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women only. In these specific women, their blood glucose levels are higher than they should normally be. There are a number of reasons why some women develop this disease. Therefore gestational diabetes in pregnancy has to be a concern, if you fall into some of the ranges of risk. Care for gestational diabetes, conversations between you and your physician will be necessary if you fall in line with one or more of the risks. Obesity…
Teaching patients about gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) before and during pregnancies are both very important. It would be great if all patients could be informed about GDM before they become pregnant so they could get a healthy start to their pregnancy and possibly prevent GDM from occurring. It is also important for patients to know how to live a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy. The nurse may be the first to provide information to their patients and can play a key role in…