I attended the concert of Surcari presented by Maxwell Shepherd Concert Series on Thursday, November 10, 2016, at 7:30 p.m. The venue was the University of Connecticut Greater Hartford Campus. The program began with Vientos del Sur, which is traditional Bolivian song that translates into South Winds. The sheer energy of that first chord from the acoustic guitar marked the beginning of a night of beautiful cultural music. It opens up with the quick strumming of the acoustic guitar and later follows the bass pipes and pan pipes. The piece sets with a major key in common time. The disjunct melody gives off a jumpy sound that gives an imagery of gusty winds. This imagery is further emphasized by the allegretto tempo which makes the feel much more vivid. A cuatro and a pan flute solo replaces the pipes which adds to the lively mood of the piece. The cuarto virtuoso demonstrated his breath-taking virtuosity with his rapid strumming with impressive dexterity which I found very impressing. The second piece they performed was Pájaro Chogüí composed by the Paraguayan composer Indio Pitagüa. The song is in a major key in triple meter in allegro. The ensemble is made up of the guitar, cuatro and pan flute. The pan flutist virtuoso demonstrated his virtuosity with his rapid trills that I found to depict an image of a bird chirping which as a matter of fact goes along with the song that is about the choguí bird. The second portion of the song is adds can pan flutes that harmonizes but…