Gestational Diabetes Molloy College Samantha Bishop and Morgan Woods Gestational Diabetes Gestational diabetes (GDM) is defined as glucose intolerance, by any degree, with its beginning or first recognition happening during pregnancy. GDM encompasses women who have had preexisting diabetes that had not been diagnosed until pregnancy and woman whose intolerance to glucose emerges during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes differs from type 1 or type 2 diabetes in women that get pregnant. The important distinction is that dissimilar to most fetuses of women who develop a intolerance to glucose in pregnancy, is that women who have pre-existing diabetes that are exposed to hyperglycemia within the first two trimesters of pregnancy have an increased…
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that affects pregnant women only. In these specific women, their blood glucose levels are higher than they should normally be. There are a number of reasons why some women develop this disease. Therefore gestational diabetes in pregnancy has to be a concern, if you fall into some of the ranges of risk. Care for gestational diabetes, conversations between you and your physician will be necessary if you fall in line with one or more of the risks. Obesity…
There are not any symptoms that are related to gestational diabetes, but that doesn't mean that it shouldn't be taken seriously. The doctor’s diagnosis this by running tests on women's blood sugar during pregnancy. With this type of diabetes it is important to rest, eat healthy, exercise, and monitor the baby and blood sugar levels in order to decrease the amount of serious risks to the health of the mother and child. Diabetes Statistics Diabetes affects approximately 29.1 million people,…
Teaching patients about gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) before and during pregnancies are both very important. It would be great if all patients could be informed about GDM before they become pregnant so they could get a healthy start to their pregnancy and possibly prevent GDM from occurring. It is also important for patients to know how to live a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy. The nurse may be the first to provide information to their patients and can play a key role in…
Diabetes is a disease that has a mass amount of sugar in your blood or high blood glucose. Diabetes mellitus is caused by a lack of responsiveness to insulin and have a high blood glucose level. There are two types of Diabetes mellitus. Type one diabetes, destroy the pancreatic cells. Type two diabetes affects the body flow and increase the process of blood sugar. When the beta cells from the pancreas fail to provide, diabetes occurs. The energy comes from the glucose. Eating healthy and right…
If gestational diabetes is not controlled throughout pregnancy it leaves room for complications with the mother and baby and poor fetal and maternal outcomes. GDM raises the risk of patients developing hypertension, high blood pressure, during the pregnancy. This puts the patient at risk for later developing pre-eclampsia. Preeclampsia, a systemic syndrome of pregnancy characterized by new-onset hypertension and proteinuria after 20 weeks’ gestation, affects 3% to 5% of all…
160lbs with a BMI of 26.7kg/ m2 with gestational diabetes. She was diagnosed wat 24 weeks of gestation. Before conception Damaris weighed 150lb and her BMI was at 25.06kg/ m2 which put her at the overweight status. Her physician had explained the possible risk of going into a pregnancy overweight and the possibility of having gestational diabetes. When she was screened at 24 weeks of conception for gestational diabetes the results of her oral glucose tolerance test was as follow: Fasting: ≥…
There are many people with diabetes in the world, including a few of my friends, which is why I chose it. Diabetes is a controllable condition, but usually persists through a lifetime. There are many symptoms that can herald the presence of diabetes, and it can be prevented if one leads a healthy lifestyle; and there are treatments that can make the disease manageable. Diabetes is when a person’s body does not produce enough insulin to break down glucose, which is a basic unit of sugar. There…
Gestational diabetes is a form of diabetes that occurs during a woman’s pregnancy that is caused when the placenta makes hormones that cause a buildup of sugar in your blood. Gestational diabetes can have many effects on the mother’s body. The best way to ensure the safety of the mother and the baby is to know the risks and precautions of having gestational diabetes. When a mother has gestational diabetes, she is at risk of having problems during and after birth. The mother has a higher risk…
Diabetes is one of the global health problems which are a life threatening condition whereby a person have high level of sugar in blood. It is also referred as diabetes mellitus. According to McCoy K. (2009), a person who is believed to have diabetes would have the sweet taste of urine and to accept this study, in 1965 the word “mellitus” was joined with the word “diabetes” that give the meaning of honey siphon. Generally, diabetes can be classified into three main types which are Type 1; Type 2…