George Carlin started his comedy career as a clean-standup act, which meant that there were no “dirty jokes” or profanity in his acts. He eventually grew tired of performing comedy for what he called a “suit and tie” audience. He described the generational divide he caught himself in. Where he was in his 30’s and the audiences he was performing for were in their 40’s, whom were at odds with the youth who were in their 20s. He slowly started to drift away from the “suit and tie” audiences and began to be a part of the hippie and counter culture movements. He began performing at coffee houses and college campuses which generally allowed and tolerated profanity more than cable television during that time. His appearances began to change, such…
Driving while Stupid Final Paper “Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a manic” (George Carlin)? Carlin describes drivers as either idiots or maniacs depending on your traveling speed. In correlation, in the articleDriving while Stupid author Dave Barry highlights bad drivers from all over the world where he has traveled. In traveling around the world, Barry describes the drivers by the use of literary devices; however,…
Homelessness is a problem If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is he homeless or naked?-George Carlin The homeless suffer everyday from getting criticised as “trash” and no one paying them any attention or even a penny for what they go through. They have to dig through trash and find food and shelter in alleys and many of those who beg or sleep in public places may be arrested. These are some facts about homelessness from huffington post Cities are increasingly making homelessness a crime. A…
Are self driving cars ready to be released to the public? Many say that driving is very liberating when you have not driven a car in a while, but what if you never had to actually drive ever again? Self driving cars are a concept that is still being worked on with major companies such as Google and Tesla. They are the leading companies in the race to create a completely self driving car where computers take the steering wheel and you can just sit back and relax while heading off to your next…
“Hey, Mr. Atkins!” Rick heard Peter call out to him again, but before the boy could hurl another insult Ricks way, Rick shouted out to him and Kyle, “Peter! Kyle! I’m glad you’re back! Come here quick! I was just thinking about what you guys had said to me earlier and do you know what? I think you’re right. So, I’ve decide that it’s time to get the place cleaned up a bit, don’t you? Anyways, I was wondering if you boys would like my collection of old, skin magazines?” The boys just looked…
I was sitting comfortably on my bed reading a story on Reddit about Ghengis Khan when Travis Miler burst into my room. “Derson?” “What’s good.” My phone said it was 8:56 am. “Bowl?” “I’d be down.” I laid back on my bed and rubbed my eyes, sinking into the pad on my mattress. I twisted some chest hairs and continued reading. Travis set his backpack down and dogged around for the ideal eighth-bag to pinch out of. He opened my closet and pulled out a bong wrapped at the base and downstem with…
When You Need To Get A Wheel Alignment Your local auto shop may have mentioned that your car needs a wheel alignment. If you thought it was unnecessary, here are some valid reasons when your car can benefit from a wheel alignment. You Just Had New Tires Installed One time it is worth it to get a wheel alignment is when you just had new tires put on your car. The tires are brand new and the tread is even, so having a wheel alignment done will ensure that the tires wear down at the same rate.…
If someone were to ask, “what are the kind of words are you NOT allowed to say called?”, how would you respond? Cursing? Swearing? Cussing? Having a foul mouth? There are many different variations of this peculiar part of the English language, but one thing is clear about them: you may get in trouble for saying them. Along with having many different names, this part of the language that will be called profanity originates from many different subjects of what is considered taboo. But just who…
Alignments seem to be one of those things people may think they can do without and be just fine. Although this could be true, there is a certain risk vs. reward factor involved. An alignment is the direction and slant in which tires are positioned while sitting on the road. These adjustments to your vehicle could save you money, prevent uneven wear on your tires, ensure safe operation, increase fuel efficiency, and extend the life of your tires. Another great benefit is the enhanced performance…
” Will believes that “the general shortening of sentences reflects, in part, a change in nature of Inaugural Addresses.” He refers to Teddy Roosevelt who called the presidency “a bully pulpit.” Later addresses have had an incentive to tell Americans how to behave with phrases such as “The only thing we have to fear…” and “Ask not…” A more popular phrase which was used by Kennedy and Nixon was “Let us…,” which according to Will means, “For Pete’s sake, pull up your socks and shape up.” The…