My biggest fear as a future leader is not managing budget or meeting project deadlines, rather it’s how to evaluate, improve, and maintain employee morale. During my Management 150 course there were six words that will forever stay imbedded in my mind, “Managers direct people, Leaders motivate people.” A Gallup study has reported, only thirty percent of U.S. employees are engaged at work, and as low as thirteen percent worldwide. Gallup defines “engaged” employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace. So what is the reason for the low percentage of engagement in employees, Gallup study states managers account for at least 70% of this variation. (Harter, 2015). With this disengagement…
Feedback is necessary for all organizations to thrive. Much like a chef at a restaurant would want to know if his food tastes poorly to his customers, governments and those in power need to know whether they are satisfying the needs of their citizens. To do this, large scale polls or surveys must be conducted, representing all cohorts and demographics as accurately as possible. One such Gallup poll that aims to do this is The Gallup Poll Social Series. Gallup conducts a number of surveys…
insists leaders would make less mistakes, and gain opportunities if they knew what the world was thinking. Moreover, leaders would misjudge the hearts and minds of their constituencies less and would be a more effective leader if they knew what the people was thinking (Clifton, 2011). Thus, The Gallup World Poll was created in 2005 to assist in the area. Although very difficult and monumental challenges occurred, scientists conducted stakeholder’s interviews. This included world leaders and…
when my ethical framework changed. As I come to US and start working at a younger age the environment around me changed my ethical framework a bit. As I saw other employees call in sick when they were attending parties or going out with their friends and family. Even most other employees Know about it, but they never get in trouble. So I feel like sometimes small lies like that don’t hurt anyone. However, when I become a manager of my own store and start noticing similar situation arising I…
” Will believes that “the general shortening of sentences reflects, in part, a change in nature of Inaugural Addresses.” He refers to Teddy Roosevelt who called the presidency “a bully pulpit.” Later addresses have had an incentive to tell Americans how to behave with phrases such as “The only thing we have to fear…” and “Ask not…” A more popular phrase which was used by Kennedy and Nixon was “Let us…,” which according to Will means, “For Pete’s sake, pull up your socks and shape up.” The…
How to ruin a child In the article it’s told that “the theory that praise, self-esteem and accomplishment increase in tandem is false” (George F. Will). Which is why some children soccer teams stopped counting goals and shower trophies on everyone, or that they even in physical education classes’ students are jump roping without rope. He says children are jumping rope without ropes because of self-esteem obsession and the list goes on, such as opening lunchboxes to find handwritten notes…
I had to understand why Seurat used such a difficult technique for his work. I then came upon the theory that perhaps he wanted to produce a deeper sense of life in his paintings. All things in the world are composed of millions of cells, and these cells create objects, color, and everything that practically exists. I imagine that Seurat's motive was to utilize this scientific law in his work to give an atmosphere of life, texture, and movement in the scenes that he…
The National Popular Vote or Electoral College System In the 54th quadrennial United States Presidential Elections, it was the incumbent governor of Texas George W. Bush representing the Republicans, and incumbent Vice President Al Gore depicting the Democrats. Nevertheless, the elections came down to a neck and neck battle, and at the end, found its destiny relying on the state of Florida where a margin of victory triggered a recount. After the recount finally closed, George W. Bush was soon…
One of the most horrific terrorist attacks that have ever taken place on U.S. soil were the events that took place on September 11, 2001. These events tragically took the lives of tens of thousands of people and ultimately, changed America forever. The aftermath of these catastrophic attacks is complex and has stimulated a lot of debate and controversy over the past 15 years. Our leader at the time, George W. Bush, made a risky decision when he decided to go to war with Iraq. Since then, I…
American Born Chinese is a graphic novel by Gene Luen Yang about various characters dealing with stereotypes, and prejudices. Two main characters that seem to struggle with this are the monkey king and Jinn. The monkey king is the king of all monkey's on his island. He is looked at as a god and respected by every monkey on the island. But when he is invited to a dinner party for all the gods, he realizes that nobody else has respect for him. By everyone else he is looked at as a dirty monkey.…