A Reading Response of “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Michael Z. Newman Topic: The topic of Newman’s (2012) article presents the ever-changing value of TV shows as a public and private commercial enterprise. Modern TV shows have become private commercial property of TV networks, but the availability of “pirated” TV shows in P2P file-sharing networks has decreased their value. Ironically, the success of P2P file sharing has legitimized TV as a new “negotiation” of value in an age of digital convergence. Therefore, the “topic” of this article dictates the changing value systems of TV through the context of legal and illegal P2P file sharing networks that disseminate higher quality TV shows to the public. Outline of Thesis:…
The revolution of illegal music sharing started in May 1999, when Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker launched software called Napster, a file sharing application through the Internet. In less than a year, Napster allowed more than 20 million people to share music in mp3 format, making it the most popular file sharing software on the Internet at that time. This huge community caused a major issue for the music industry. Since 1999, many sharing programs, which are copycats of Napster, have come and…
In today’s digital world, the process of creating, discovering and sharing knowledge as well as the avoidance and misuse of file sharing often tests the limits of technology. Computer networks throughout college campuses frequently reproduce and distribute copyrighted music, movies, books, television shows, and software through the use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. A peer-to-peer, or “P2P,” file transfer service allows the user to share computer files through the Internet.…
downloaded at least one unauthorized song using P to P services, according to NPD, which tracks PC usage from 11,000 households (www.pcworld.about.com, year). As one can see this is a big crime that should be dealt with asap. For instance, file sharing not only robs songwriters and recording artists of their livelihoods, it also undermines the future of music itself by depriving the industry of the resources it needs to find and develop new talent (www.pediatrics.about.com, year). Hence why…
Advanced Activity File Sharing is a practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs. For example, sending emails to other colleges. Like iCloud lets you save all your work to all you apple devices and lets you share the work. All file sharing, P2P, and bittorrent are all related. Both file sharing and P2P are used to download files. To avoid copyright copyright you should remove any peer to peer programs installed on your computer. Bittorrent is…
The Legality of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing and its Effects on the Media Industry The introduction of the internet to mainstream America was a marvelous time. It ushered in an era of interconnectedness and open communication. The internet also facilitated the transfer of information from one side of the world to the other. But as it seems with every new technology, people quickly began to exploit the abilities of the internet for their own personal, and commonly illegal, purposes. Along with…
including peer-to-peer file sharing. Peer-to-peer file sharing is the sharing of digital media through the Internet. When an individual searches for digital media files through p2p software, they are given many options to choose from and download straight to their computer. Although file sharing is convenient and a lot of the times cost-free, many major concerns arise such as piracy and the downfall of the music industry. The music industry has faced piracy prior to the age of the Internet by…
File Sharing By: Ella Bates 5th Hour DLMD File sharing is the practice of distributing information or providing information throughout the internet. Some examples would be, pictures, videos, documents, school work, and online books. But, there are different ways for you to share files. Some examples may include, peer file sharing and file sink and sharing services. Peer sharing, also known as P2P, allows them to access “media files” like books, movies, and…
How has file sharing in the digital age affected the music industry? What is a file sharing? Recent developments in information technologies have revolutionised the way we listen to music and share it with people around. The new cutting-edge technologies, such as file sharing, has weakened copyright protection, causing the increase of the amount of music shared on the Internet illegally violating copyrights. As a result, the copyright-related companies have lost customers and revenue. This…
The Effects of Piracy (by Jake Brisk) Steal This Film spends a great deal of time covering some of the effects of piracy. The interviewees claim that file sharing and piracy promotes creativity, because intellectual property owners need to come up with new and creative ways to earn a profit from their work. Additionally, the interviewees say, piracy is promoting creativity in the general population as well. File sharing has created thousands of new singers, rappers, and DJs, because anyone can…