A brief introduction on peer-to-peer sharing network with some light on Bit torrent and DC++ protocols Vineeth.S.Kuduvalli(13bec123) The following paper begins on the basic fundamentals of why sharing is necessary and how sharing led to the revolution and also evolution of today 's modern INTERNET from the basic ARPANET. Then it tries to compare the client server model and peer to peer model along with various advantages and disadvantages about the same as well. Then discussing the two most important peer to peer sharing protocols which are Bit torrent and Dc++ and their advantages. Index Terms—ARPANET,Bit torrent,Dc++, I. INTRODUCTION B efore we reach to the main topic of this term paper, we need to reflect about and think for a second, why was there a need to develop, social networking sites ,video sharing sites ,news sites and many other useful blogs, different protocols for our ease, basically internet . When we ask ourselves this question we…
young adults report the extent of their conformity may not always be completely truthful. This study evaluates measures of peer pressure and peer conformity and the degree to which subjects self report the extent to which they do or do not conform to the “norms” around them. It is expected that there will be a correlation between the rate at which subjects care about popularity and succumb to peer pressure with the rate at which they expect themselves to mold to the actions and roles of those…
to know throughout the semester. Now, students have other options when seeking help. Peer educators are the umbrella for the smaller roles certain students have in the university. Peer mentors, advisors, and tutors are the helping roles for academic advisors and professors. They are just as dependable as the advisors or professors and will help make your academics easier at the university. Student interaction is important. The way you interact with students, what you say to them, and the way…
The Internet is a revolutionary tool that assists individuals with simple and complex tasks and makes communication efficient. The Internet allows individuals to distribute data including peer-to-peer file sharing. Peer-to-peer file sharing is the sharing of digital media through the Internet. When an individual searches for digital media files through p2p software, they are given many options to choose from and download straight to their computer. Although file sharing is convenient and a lot…
I had to pull the authors key points for how they came to their conclusion. This was a new skill I had to learn and it took some practice, something I had some experience from in the peer reviews. When I had to do peer reviews for other people, I had to understand their own style of reading and why they write the way they do and give my own suggestions with their own writing style in mind. My paper was written clearly, but I had rushed through the last paragraugh and it did not quite meet the…
Question The second article that I reviewed is titled Use of Peer Support for Promoting Academic Engagement of Students with Autism in General Education Settings. The purpose of this study was “to evaluate the effects of a simple peer support intervention on the minor disruptive, off- task behaviors of three elementary students with high functioning ASD in three different general education classroom” (McCurdy & Cole, 2013, p.1). Previous Research and Major Issues Many schools have faced…
With the recent legality of marijuana use in some states and the slow but sure erasure of the stigma surrounding marijuana use, it is no surprise that there are fears about whether legalization will result in increased rates of use. However, legality is not the only thing that affects an individual’s use. When thinking of marijuana use, most view it as an individual’s decision to use the drug. However, it is known that peer pressure often plays a large role in an individual’s choice to use…
As far as peer response is concerned, I have absolutely no experience having it done by anyone other than my wife. I have never read another person’s writing and given my critique or suggestions of how it should be written. As I watched A Peer Response Demonstration (2010) video, I found it very informative. I could see myself like the first person in the video. Like her, I wouldn’t want to be too critical because I would feel bad hurting someone’s feelings. I guess that is why I haven’t…
Peer pressure, it affects everyone no matter whether you’re male or female, we’re all victims of this evil wrath at some point during our life’s, its most common while you’re still in school. Vulnerably, innocent and pure children are subjected to various unhealthy demands from theirs peers to fit into the “cool” statues group. Social media is an enormous factor in the youth of this day and age. It suffocates their ability to be unique and have their own opinion of their surroundings like a…
Introduction Peers play an important role in the lives of adolescents and helps to continue a teen’s social and emotional development. The influence of peers begins at an early age and continues to increase throughout the teenage years. Relying on and having friends is entirely natural, healthy, and important, but also entirely possible to be persuaded the wrong way by friends. [1] [1] American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. (2012). Types of Peers Peers can be positive and…