The Result With full data sheet of Rampo Valley Reservation park and Harriman State Park, we determine the relative density, frequency, relative frequency, relative dominance and important value. <Table 1> is Ramapo Valley Reservation Park’s table . <Table 2> is Harriman State Park’s table. Relative density is percentage of number of individual of one species by sum of the individuals of all species. Relative frequency is percentage of frequency by sum of the frequencies of all species. Relative dominance is percentage of total basal area of one species by sum of the basal areas of all species.Importance Value is sum of relative density, relative dominance and relative frequency (Sewanee Education). The highest important value in Ramapo Valley County Reservation Park is 65.2845098 which is Beech. The second highest important value is 50.7342985 which is SugarMaple. The highest important value in Harriman State Park is 65.1350413 which is Sugar Maple and the second highest is 55.0618801 which is Red Oak. Black Birch, Hemlock, White Pine, Pin Oak, Ash, Aspen, Dogwood, Mountain Laurel, Elm and Red Oak are not present in Ramapo Valley County Reservation Park. Yellow Poplar, Witch Hazel, Pin Oak, Ash, Aspen, Dog Wood, Mountain Laurel, Leather Leaf, Elm and Shagbark Hickory are not present in Harriman State Park. Most of nonexistent species or low number of species are evergreen tree and trees that can find in upland and wetland such as mountain laurel and dog…
total number of individuals of each species in all the quadrats and the total number of quadrats studied. Density was calculated by the equation: Density= (Total number of individuals of a species in all quadrats )/(Total number of quadrats studied) Abundance Abundance is the study of individual numbers of different species in the community per unit area. By quadrat method, sampling was made at random at several places and abundance was summed up for all the quadrats upon the total…
inclusion and diversity in sports organizations. In the meeting, Ellen Staurowsky offered her thoughts on the present situation of inclusion and diversity, the hindrances, and approaches to enforce the main topic. Additionally, Staurowsky particularly focused on sexual orientation. After reading and assessing the interview, I completely agree with a lot of her point of views. Staurowsky is exceptionally cautious with her reaction to the present situation of inclusion and diversity. She attempts…
outgoing, dependable person and team player. I was a little surprised that I scored high in the Emotional stability because I sometimes feel that I am to emotional or sensitive when it comes to some things however I have notice within this last year I have improve is this department tremendously because of my personal experiences. I am a B+ personality. ESFJ 16 type of personality. I agree with this and the job description and insight hit right on the nail. I have always desired to help…
In case of evenness index J´ of species, highest value of 1 was found in sample 8 that have similar relative abundance of species or equal number of individuals belong to each species while species evenness was 0 in samples that also have 0 value of Shannon index that indicates less species diversity result in only one or few species dominate. Remaining samples have moderately high species evenness (Figure 1 (c)). As far as Simpson index of diversity is concerned, minimum value was 0 while…
With the many changes in workplace demographics over the past 50 years, diversity within organizations has become extremely important to their success. The necessity of a having an effective diversity plan for many organizations can make the difference between their success or possible failure of their reputation and profitability. In examining the diversity and implementation strategies from two of “The Top 50 Companies for Diversity” it will provide a blueprint for implementing a diversity…
My ADDIE project will cover diversity and equality. I want to teach individuals about the importance of diversity and equality in the workplace. Many people in contemporary society are not fully educated about how diversity and inclusion is the fundamental way of shaping employees’ and its organizations. As the workforce demographics progress and global markets emerge, workplace diversity growths closer to becoming an enterprise necessity that companies want to display their commitment to…
employees to diversity in a fun and educational environment. The first event is the annual dragon boat race. This is a yearly event that not only is a team building and diversity event it is also a charity event benefiting the Ronald McDonald House. Last year was our fourth annual Milwaukee event, with fifty teams competing. More than 300 people participated, representing every business unit and many positions in the company, from interns and early career professionals to VP’s and senior…
Employees must also be involved in diversity management. Employee feedback and participation are pertinent to the success of any diversity program. Organizations must have three goals when it comes to employees; maximizing workplace satisfaction for all; retaining a world class workforce and maintaining an environment of lifetime learning. In order to achieve these goals, employers must actively seek formal and informal employee input. This can be done through the creation of affinity groups.…
Diversity plan Diversity in a workplace is, the differences among employees in age, sex, culture, religion and background that they bring to the organization. In this case, to increase the diversity in the HIT department, we can start with developing policies that help in increasing the diversity for example policy for bad activities as bullying and teasing which discourage diversity. Nondiscrimination policy which requires, existing and potential employees to agree to it. And reviewing the…