Cyberwarfare is defined as a new generation of war that uses computers and software to attack networks and acquire data or damage important infrastructures to get advantage in a military campaign. Nowadays, cyber espionage to obtain access to data bases is common. By using viruses or spyware hackers can invade military or governmental networks to get classified information in order to gain intelligence. An example was the cyber spy GhostNet supposedly used by China in 2009. According to the report presented by the National Security Institute (NSI) (2009), there is “documented evidence of a cyber espionage network—GhostNet—infecting at least 1,295 computers in 103 countries, of which close to 30% can be considered as high-value diplomatic, political,…
Carl Von Clausewitz’s definition of an act of war substantiates particular state sponsored cyber-attacks as acts of war. Clausewitz’s definition requires cyber-attacks to meet three elements to elevate to the level of an act of war. Categorization of the perpetrator to determine the intent and nature of their attack is imperative in determining whether a cyber-attack meets Clausewitz’s definition. John Stone correctly advocated in “Cyber War Will Take Place!” that an act of force isn’t…
that cyber space should be legally protected to ensure the free global flow of information within what they perceive to be a global market of ideas. The US Department of Defense defines “Cyber operations” as ‘the employment of cyber capabilities where the primary purpose is to achieve objectives in or through cyber space’. The US often treats cyber space as a completely different domain from cyber operations. As a consequence, ‘the US has separated virtual space between terrestrial and social…
This paper seeks to better understand ethics in irregular war and cyber warfare. Notably the relationship between US and China. Both actors are two major developed economies, which highly depend on the Internet. Therefore they are both remarkably exposed to cyber war. In addition, we will see how both actors use cyber warfare to towards each other. Cyber warfare is defined as “actions by nation-state used to invade another nation´s networks or computer to cause damage and disruption.” Today…
The different worldviews, ideologies, or beliefs that exist in the real world, translate in cyberspace. For instance, Richard Clarke asserts that cyber war has already started, which sounds like a realist view. Conversely, Thomas Rid defends that cyber war will never occur, which appears very idealist. Others, like Martin Libicki argue that the current focus and fantasy about this topic is merely a temporary craze and that cyberspace is not even a war-fighting domain. Lastly, some pragmatics…
In the novel, The Ascendant, by Drew Chapman, the United States was in a cyber war with China, where literary elements such as plot development, foreshadowing to create suspense, and point of view are skillfully used to drive the novel. Each of these elements help to convey the story’s central theme: when a war begins to break out, the military are not the only ones whose lives will change entirely. The team attempting to fight back in this covert war against the Chinese faced many struggles,…
Imagine being an agent who is in charge of launching the country's nukes but then you realize that the systems have been hacked and compromised. That is a prime example of an extreme cyber attack. Examples like that are the reason why that some cyber attacks should be considered acts of wars depending on how severe the attacks are and who they target. For example the security breach that Yahoo had which leaked all of their user accounts out should not be considered an act of war because it…
Intro, Importance, and Summary (U) In 2015, the United States Government suffered the biggest cyber-attack against a federal agency to date. The Office of Personnel Management reported that up to 21.5 million instances of personal data was stolen by hackers. Many more attacks have occurred recently, and cyber-attacks have become a common occurrence with billions of attacks carried out on various federal agencies each year. Pew Research Center recently conducted a study, and found that the…
This means that the contemporary face of cyber warfare is one in which the potential participants have access to an extremely wide array of cyber tools more than ever before. One step that has been put into place in this regard, according to this same source, is that of auditing access to cyber technology. This has remained an effective and direct solution to this problem, not to mention a preventative and proactive one (Young and Yung 1996). This brings up the concept of solution-formation,…
militaries alike the world over have heralded the dawn of a new age of warfare. Fought not by the fittest and toughest where death could come at any moment, Cyberwarfare could be launched in dark basements by computer professionals with little regard for the health and fitness standards of traditional militaries. Composed…