Comparison/contrast Many people like to go to the gym and exercise and most of us target a specific area of muscles when we go to maximize the effectiveness of our workout. I am writing specifically about cardio and using machines to exercise. Normally when you go to the gym and you want to use a machine to get a cardio workout there are three options. The first is the Treadmill, and the second is the Elliptical, and the third is the Stationary Bicycle. Ill describe how to get a cardio workout while avoiding the hard impact you would get from, let’s say, jogging. Something like the Elliptical that won’t leave you with shin splints or swollen knees afterwards because, let’s face it, some of us may have sports injuries of possibly getting older or just want to save their joints. So this eliminates the Treadmill. Let’s start with the Stationary bike. Some pros of using the Stationary Bicycle are you’re sitting down and, in case you have severe joint damage or bad back or arthritis, it may lower the stress on your bones and joints to use the bicycle for this reason. Second, you don’t have to move your arms as part of the workout, so you can isolate muscles and fatigue as fast. Third, because you are only using your lower body, you are working fewer muscles, therefore more likely to go longer distances. Now there are some disadvantages to working out on the stationary bicycle There are no required movements of the arms so some feel as if it doesn’t give you a full body…
From Beginning to End and Back Again: An Analysis of Cycles in Bei Dao’s ‘At the Sky’s Edge’ At the end of Süskind’s Perfume, Grenouille realizes how much he actually hates people and decides to return to Paris where he allows himself to be torn to pieces and consumed by those drawn to his perfume. Grenouille was born to a fishwife that left him and many other illegitimate infants die, but unfortunately Grenouille was rescued and lived a life void of love and emotion. Grenouille turned out to…
There are many types of burns such as heat burns, friction burns, cold temperature burns, chemical burns, electrical burns, and radiation burns. In general burns damage or injure skin layers and other parts of the body such as muscles, nerves, blood vessels, lungs and eyes. These burns are classified as first, second, or third degree burns depending on the layers of skin and tissue that are damaged. As one shall know the deeper the burn the more serious the burn is. First degree burns are burns…
Types Of Gun Safes Not all gun safes are created equal. In fact, not all gun safes are really gun safe. For the most part, there are two types of gun storage options: actual gun safes and gun lockers. Confusing as they might be, for the sake of marketing juice many gun lockers call themselves gun safes. Clear as mud now? There's no bright line between safe and locker, but if there is a major distinction it's fire protection. Gun safes have it, lockers don't. Depending on steel gauge, lockers…
Bass Fishing Reels – Essential Bass Fishing Equipment Reels are an essential piece of bass fishing equipment. It is this part of your fish equipment which can determine whether or not you can get the bass out of the water quick enough and smooth enough and in such a way which can prevent the fish from getting away. A fishing reel can be used by all types of fisherman, including beginners, professionals and industrial fisherman. A fishing reel is a round, cylindrical devise attached to the bas…
how everyone lives, even plants, animals, and of course humans. Well what is a water cycle? Precipitation is how the water cycle starts, it is how water moves through the earth. The water from the Earth is always in movement, and the Earth's water cycle, also is known as the hydrologic cycle. This describes all the movement of the water, above and below on Earth's surface. The water cycle describes a continuous pattern of exchanged water having the cycle over and over again. Lakes, rivers, ice…
Landforms Introduction In this week’s assignment we are asked to first describe the hydrologic cycle and apply it to where we live. Second we are asked to choose either a glacial landscape or a desert landscape and describe how the chosen landscape is formed and features that are found in the landscape. Then finally relate the chosen landscape to the hydrologic cycle. Hydrologic Cycle and Where I Live For this week’s assignment we were given the task to explain in our own words the hydrologic…
In order to better understand the cell cycle and the different phases of mitosis, students were expected to observe cell division in an onion root. I hypothesized that we would observe more cells in interphase since most of a cell’s life is spent in interphase. In order to make observations, we used a light microscope to view two slides of an onion root—one had been previously prepared while the other slide was made by each individual student. Furthermore, we then counted how many cells were in…
How does the Earth’s Water Cycle works? The water cycle is a process in which Earth’s water never stops moving by three steps evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Water is if not the most one of the most important components of life. Water defines how most ecosystems are. The water cycle is also connected by several ways to every other system in Earth. What is the water cycle? Water in Earth is always in movement, but how does it move. The water cycle also known as the hydrological…
the cell cycle in which chromosomes in a cell nucleus are separated into two identical sets of chromosomes, and each set ends up in its own nucleus. Mitosis is composed of several different components: Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telophase. Interphase is the stage that happens right before mitosis, this is where a typical cell spends most of its life. In the prophase stage of mitosis, the first stage of cell division, the chromosomes become visible as paired chromatids and the…