A crisis is “an acute disruption of psychological homeostasis wherein one’s usual coping mechanisms fail and there exists evidence of distress and functional impairment.” The word crisis comes from Greek the krisis, which literally means decision. According to Merriam-Webster a crisis can be, • a: “the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever,” • b: “a paroxysmal attack of pain, distress, or disordered function,” • c: “an emotionally significant event or radical change of status in a person's life,” • d: “the decisive moment (as in a literary plot),” • e: “an unstable or crucial time or state of affairs in which a decisive change is impending; especially: one with the distinct possibility of a highly undesirable outcome,”…
Imagine the following disasters: Drought causing water shortages; Flood engulfing a whole city; Destruction left after a hurricane’s wake; Climate change due to carbon emissions; land restructuring due to rising sea level - hence, Hawaii. In a time of environmental crisis, how do we live right now? I do not have a concrete plan on how I will live within the time of environmental crisis, but I will explore my options and opinions on the matter. From acquired information, through media, articles,…
Crisis Counseling This paper will discuss the client Jamila. Jamila presented in counseling with many issues and concerns. The counselor will help the client to identify her immediate needs and concerns. The paper will demonstrate how the counselor will assist the client with prioritizing her needs and developing a crisis plan. Crisis Counseling Crisis occur everyday in society. A crisis can occur from major disasters like earthquakes, tornado or on a much smaller scale such as car…
A crisis is any event that is a dangerous situation affecting an individual, group, community, or a whole society. It’s a time when a difficult or important decision must be made. In a crisis, most people resort to combining together to make a group. There are different types of crises such as economic, environmental, internal or personal. The two most common ways people respond to any type of crisis is to either take it on as an individual or, to form a group to get through the problem. In…
Crisis and Surplus In this chapter, I ask what we can learn by looking to migrant caregivers’ experiences of rebuilding daily life and reconstituting community in the aftermath of disaster. Specifically, I take interest in Ruth Wilson Gilmore’s (2007) claim that, “the actual effects of crisis in a particular society are not necessarily paralyzing; rather, they invite remedies that take many forms, and therefore produce varying outcomes that are as likely further to shake up, as to settle, the…
There are predictably four prominent stages in nearly all hostage/barricade situations: pre-crisis, crisis, accommodation/negotiation, and resolution (Vecchi, 2009). The first stage, pre-crisis, occurs “when a person goes about his or her normal routine with no specific knowledge of the looming event. During this stage, the person may or may not be aware of an impending problem. The crisis stage is characterized by high emotions, low rationality, and an inability to cope with a problem that is…
Crisis intervention refers to the methods used to help a individual that is experiencing an event where coping skills fail and a decrease in functioning level is present. Crisis is also seen as both danger or opportunity. The opportunity in crisis allows an individual to grow, gain insight, and effectively cope during the situation. However, when danger is present in the crisis, there is either a lower level of functioning or either an impairment in functioning level. The interviewee that I…
Introduction: Product-Harm Crisis In 2009 the Toyota Corporation encountered a major public crisis. Recalls concerning faulty accelerator peddles which resulted in accidents and fatalities challenged Toyota’s reputation and dependability. The event with the fatal crash in 2009 that led to public outcry was the release of the 911 call that was made from the vehicle. Product-harm crisis occurs when an organization’s products are found to be flawed, unhealthy, or perilous. “The different types of…
The October Crisis (1970s) On October 5, 1970 a hostage, James Cross, was held for ransom for five hundred thousand dollars in gold, the freedom of other FLQ members in prison, publication of the FLQ platform, and a safe trip to Cuba. Since James was a British trade commissioner the federal government listened and tried to negotiate. Trudeau and his cabinet sent police to find James Cross and the kidnappers. On October 10, 1970, a different group kidnapped Pierre Laporte, a provincial cabinet…
How companies react in the face of a disaster can show us how effective its crisis management strategy is. Thus, a good crisis strategy should include a communication plan, when a disaster happens, a business must be able to effectively convey critical information to the public and the media alike. During a disaster, the immediacy of information is essential. For example, when information is not forthcoming rumors begin to circulate, and there is difficulty in trying to separate fact from…