Iontophoresis Tennis Elbow is a condition that commonly affects professional to recreational tennis players. Tennis elbow is referred to as lateral elbow tendinopathy (LET) in clinical practice. This study was conducted to test the effectiveness of iontophoresis treatment on patients with LET. Iontophoresis is defined as a treatment that uses an electric charge to move liquid medication into the body or specific targeted area of a muscle or inflamed area. The liquid is known as dexamethasone and is negatively charge so the electric current draws the negatively charged medication into the skin. This process is commonly used in physical therapy practice to treat all kinds of inflammatory conditions, all from the basic principle that the medication is negatively charged and an electric current draws it into the body. The medication is an anti-inflammatory steroid used to treat inflammation and in this case muscle tenderness and inflammation for tennis. Over a period of 27th months this study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of iontophoresis on LET patients. There were several things tested in this study: range of motion, pain free grip, function, and pain level. These conditions were tested in two separate groups which were the placebo and the iontophoresis group. The results from the study concluded that iontophoresis with the steroid dexamethasone with lidocaine hydrochloride helps LET in tennis players. Iontophoresis relates to the field of chemistry because it…
This paper introduces the portion of the lower arm called the forearm. The two bones contained within the forearm are described in detail, briefly mentioning their relation to one another. The relevant names and descriptions are depicted of the common bone breaks, dislocations, and the process of acquiring radiographic images in order to identify such forearm trauma. It is pertinent to always get a little more than just the injured bone in the x-ray to rule out something significant just past…
spinalis) isometrically contract. The left glenohumeral joint flexors (anterior deltoid, biceos brachii, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major) isometrically contract to maintain flexion. The right glenohumeral joint flexors (anterior deltoid, biceos brachii, coracobrachialis, pectoralis major), internal rotators (latissimus dorsi, teres major, pectoralis major, suscapularis, anterior deltoid, biceps brachii), and horizontal abductors (middle deltoid, posterior deltoid, teres minor, infraspinatus,…
The deep branch provides motor innervations to the extensor carpi radialis longus/brevis, supinator, brachioradialis, extensor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis longus, extensor pollicis brevis, and extensor digitorum muscles, so you can injure the nerve without experiencing any sensor loss (Starkey, et al., 2011). 21. Subcutaneous olecranon bursa a. The subcutaneous olecranon bursa is located between the olecranon process and the skin, and is very susceptible to trauma and infection (Starkey,…
There are many bones in the human body, the bones make up the skeleton that provides structure and support for the body. This paper will list some major bones and the muscles that are connected to these muscles. The first major bone on the list is the tibia, which is located in the lower leg. The muscle that connects to the tibias origin is the hamstring, which helps with flexibility and strength in the legs. Another muscle would be the clavicle which is in the insertion of the trapezius…
hip and knee are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and the vastus medialis. The hamstring muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris) and the popliteus muscle help in the flexion of the hip. The gluteus Maximus, gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus muscles also aides in the movement phase causing a concentric contraction in this phase and extension of the hips. The muscles in the wrist, forearm and elbow joints help the person shoot the basketball. The…
could be described as a ribbon (Tropomyosin) and a thumbtack (Troponin). Each skeletal muscle is then divided and encapsulated by three difference layers of connective tissue. The first of these layers enclosed the whole skeletal muscle and is known as the epimysium, the second layer of connective tissue called the perimysium encloses each fascicle and finally the last layer of connective tissue which encapsulates each muscle fiber, which is known as the endomysium. In this experiment we…
He said his neck pain is worse than his bilateral arm pain. On motor examination, he has no arm drift. He has full strength in his bilateral grips interossei, finger extensors, wrist flexion, wrist extension, brachioradialis, biceps, triceps and deltoids. Light touch sensation is symmetrical in all dermatomes of his bilateral upper extremities. patient is obese Current medications include atenonol, omeprazole, metaxalone, hydrocodone, gabapentin, ibuprofen and Ventolin. Assessment is cervical…
When she hit a tree stump and fell on her outstretched hand, she knew she broke something in her shoulder and arm. Jennifer most likely broke her clavicle, acromion, and possibly her coracoid process in the shoulder girdle. She also could have broken her humerus, radius, ulna, and possibly her carpal bones in her hand. Jennifer also could have damaged her deltoid, trapezoid, biceps, triceps, brachioradialis and a few other muscles in the arms and shoulder. Depending on how hard she fell and what…
for hip flexion 0-110, hip extensions, hip abduction 26, hip internal rotation 10, knee flexion 0-115, and ankle planer flexion 20. The patient compensates a lot for active movements on his left affected side. Cervical and trunk muscle strength range from 3- to 3+ out of 5. Trunk rotation and trunk lateral flexion to the left showing 2/5. The strength on the left side of his body could not be assessed to high tone. During the cranial nerve testing, cranial nerve I showed impairment in the…