Jump Shot Movement Analysis

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Movement analysis is a major key in sports as it dissects the certain movement of muscles and joints to perform a certain action in the sport. A basketball jump shot uses all of the movement phases, from the stance phase, preparatory phase, movement phase, follow-through phase and recovery phase. The jump shot has gradually evolved in the NBA, and is considered one of the most important and most commonly used shot in basketball. There are many sharpshooters in the NBA, like Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry and
Carmelo Anthony who master the jump shot, and they excel in the little details of these phases, which helps them excel in their craft. These phases are truly important in a basketball jump shot and we would be able to see the movement from
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The muscles used are similar to the ones used in the stance phase. In this phase the shooter is getting ready to shoot the ball. This is the phase where the shooter will generate the muscles to jump and set their arms and elbow preparing to shoot. The preparatory phase is more dynamic and the need for explosiveness is increased. This is considered the most critical phase in leading toward the anticipated result of activity. The required muscles will lengthen so it would generate more force and momentum when concentrically contracting in their antagonist muscles of the phase. During this phase the knee joint is slight more flexed from the stance phase. It causes concentric contractions of the quadriceps muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and the vastus medialis). The foot is not going into full plantar flexion but the preparatory phase is where it starts. They’re many muscles that bring the foot into plantar flexion. The main key muscles that would cause the concentric contraction are the gastrocnemius, soleus, Achilles tendon, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and the flexor halluces …show more content…
Almost every muscle in the preparatory phase is finally being used and put to action. This is usually characterized by near-maximal concentric activity in the involved muscles (Floyd, 2012, p. 207). During this phase the shooter will jump off their feet contracting their quadriceps using their hamstring muscles. The gastrocnemius, soleus, Achilles tendon, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and the flexor halluces longus musles will act in plantar flexion making the shooter able to jump of the ground. The muscles being used to cause extension of the hip and knee are the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and the vastus medialis. The hamstring muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris) and the popliteus muscle help in the flexion of the hip. The gluteus Maximus, gluteus medius and the gluteus minimus muscles also aides in the movement phase causing a concentric contraction in this phase and extension of the hips. The muscles in the wrist, forearm and elbow joints help the person shoot the basketball. The muscles in the elbow, forearm that connect to the wrist and fingers that help release the ball are; extensor carpi radialis brevis, extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, biceps brachii, brachioradialis, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digtorum profundus, and the flexor pollicis muscles.

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