Before i analyze this fictional character i will talk and explain who he is. Anakin Skywalker later known as daar is a star wars fictional character he was born on the planet tatooine a dessert like planet when he was a little kid he and his mother were slaves. Two jedis named qui gon jinn and obi wan kenobi were stranded in tatooine and they their ship broke down they needed a way fix it. They went to a junk shop were anakin was working as slave they couldn't afford to fix the ship anakin told them that they could stay at his place to rest for the night he found out that they were jedis he always dreamed that a jedi would rescue all the slaves from his planet. They explained the situation and he volunteer to participate in a race so they…
I have decided to do my essay on Anakin Skywalker. He is the main hero/villain in the Star Wars series. I believe I can classify him as a type of god. Anakin typifies a type of god because of the fact that in the first half of the series he is considered a messiah of sorts. In both Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace and Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith several characters speak of Anakin’s special status. Both Qui-Gon Jin (a respected high level master Jedi) and Obi-Wan Kenobi…
Analysis: When Anakin Turns To The Dark Side George Lucas’ Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith is a fascinating movie that describes the concepts of interpersonal relationship. The movie provides the uses of indirect and direct communications from various characters, which are vital to the fluidity of the movie and how characters build relationships. For example, one scene that builds the interpersonal relationship of two characters is when Anakin Skywalker approaches Chancellor Palpatine at…
arrive on the planet until the following day, but the focus is on Obi-Wan and his shock from Padmé’s new boyfriend. Come nightfall, we see Obi-Wan returning to the place where his master died, causing him to relive the tragic event. From this, we are reminded that Obi-Wan holds himself responsible for Qui-Gon’s death, as he abandoned his master to help Padmé, who has moved on from him. At the meeting, Obi-Wan is hurt even more because he is forced to sit across from his former love and her new…
for teenagers that like a great Sci-Fi adventure. “Star Wars, Episode 3, Revenge of the Sith” is written by Patricia Wrede. This novel is the 3rd episode of the Star Wars epic saga which follows Anakin Skywalker as he struggles to cope with the duty of being a Jedi Knight and the role as the secret husband of Senator Padme Amidala. An exciting novel that features the creation of Darth Vader and the birth of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia. Nearly 3 years have passed since the beginning of…
franchise films - Star Wars (SW) and Harry Potter (HP) - in which I will show why Star Wars is the better franchise. Despite their difference in genre, the movies share many similarities. both franchises share many similarities they have followed the same basic structure of ‘The Hero’s Journey,’ also known as the ‘hero myth’ or ‘monomyth’ (Hokanson & Fraher 2008 p. 29) like many stories/films beforehand (Hokanson & Fraher 2008 p. 28). Not only are the similarities present due to both franchises…
Luke is young, bold, noble, and frustrated with the life he was born into- he’s an average guy with big dreams he doesn’t think he can ever realize. Audiences identify with him because it’s a plight most people have gone through. He is also kind, funny, and likable, causing audiences to universally accept and root for him. Anakin Skywalker, on the other hand, while an interesting character, cannot be identified with as easily by audiences. He is smart and kind, yes, but he is so young that he…
to Koroskant with Amidala Queen for help; however, the ship was attacked by the trade union during escaping. Eventually, they are temporarily anchored in the desert planet Tatouin to repair the spacecraft. Qui-Gon Jin go to Watoo’s store to buy a part of the spaceship, but Watoo does not take currency of Republican and does not affect Mind Control of Jedi. While Qui-Gon Jinn is disappointed, he has a fateful meeting with a clever slave boy, Anakin Skywalker, who works at the store. Therefore,…
BigDog to enable it to navigate rough terrains could conceivably be combined with something like a more compact version of the Phalanx to create an extremely mobile, autonomous combat robot, somewhat similar to the droids in STAR WARS. Next I will look at medical robots in STAR WARS. In STAR WARS, medical droids have completely replaced human doctors. Through the entire trilogy, no human doctors ever appear. When Luke gets attacked by the Wampa (the giant snow monster) in The Empire Strikes…
Ahsoka Tano decides its time to get even with the rest of the Female Jedi Master now Ahsoka walked in to her room then open up a secret door in her room that help the biggest strap-on dildo no one has every seen yet. It was like 20 inches long and at least as wide as say two and a half Light sabers. The fact that she was even thing about trying it out on any one of them was unthinkable to say the least now. But Ahsoka thought it was time now to teach them all a lesson that they never for…