Alandria Hatcher SOCY 100 Being Black Isn’t Criminal Amadou Diallo. Sean Bell. John Crawford. Oscar Grant. Eric Garner. Ezell Ford. Mike Brown. Renisha McBride. Yvette Smith. Eleanor Bumpurs. Aiyana Stanley-Jones. Tarika Wilson. Rekia Boyd. These names are part of a growing list of African-American men and women who are unjustly murdered by those purposed to protect and serve. The police. In the alleged “post racial America”, Black Americans are being marked for murder by the zealots of the police force. In each case listed above, the victims of these murders were unarmed, and presented no threat to the police. In each case, the victim was villainized by the police and the media to make the assassins seem like white knights. We are living in the days of police sanctioned genocide. Let’s discuss just a few of the cases listed the highlight what is essentially legalized murder of blacks. On February 4, 1999 Amadou Diallo was shot 41 times and killed by four police officers in Bronx, NY. Diallo was not carrying a weapon or posing a threat to the police when stopped. He in fact, was taking his wallet out of his back pocket (which is where men tend to carry their…
their community. The oppressive law makers, and police department had on individuals of different color or religion was terrible.The systemic oppression and discrimination impacted each case by dividing trust among the police, and who they are sworn to protect. There are reasons why this has happened, especially in this documentary. The criminal justice system has failed to put the officers responsible for killing the three men in jail. Law makers and other higher ups got involved to make sure…
Gladwell describes the event of the shooting of an innocent immigrant, Amadou Diallo, as a result of inaccurate perception by the responsible…
Black lives matter, blue lives matter, and all lives matter. These phrases are often used to signify either taking a side or verifying neutrality in respect to the socio-racial crisis between African Americans and the police force that presents itself in the daily lives of Americans. The truth is that these matters are not nearly as black and white as they seem. Boundaries that separate basic principles of police duties and human morality often blur together and results in the media spewing…
In Blink, Malcolm Gladwell discusses about the theories of snap judgment. There are many interesting themes that I have learn from his book. People judge other people within few seconds by looking at their behavior and appearance. The balance between rationalization and intuition. Human’s emotion can be seen in on the face even involuntary or voluntary. Interestingly, he also states that the less information is better if we can understand it clearly and correctly. The Blink book is a…
Even “Bruce Springsteen”, who’s not a rapper, a fellow rock artist shares a powerful song “American Skin(41 Shots)”, where in the middle of the song where Springsteen states, “41 shots, lena gets her son ready for school she says now on these streets Charles you got to understand the rules promise me if an officer stops you’ll always be polite never ever run away and promise mama you’ll keep your hands in sight”(Line 26-30). which this songs explains the tragic fatal death of “Amadou Diallo”,…
Excessive Force is deemed as the application of more force than is deemed necessary to effect an arrest. February 4, 1999 Amadou Diallo was killed because New York City policemen shot him 19 times because they concurred he was reaching for a weapon. The policemen were searching for a possible rape suspect in the proximity to Amadou Diallo’s apartment located in the Bronx. However,when Mr. Diallo reached for his pocket the officers fired 41 shots, 19 of which hit and killed him. After the body…
There are many situations that are considered police brutality, such as: racial profiling minorities, false arrest, excessive force, surveillance abuse, assault, sexual abuse, verbal attacks, abuse of legal power and corruption/bribes. For example, in New York Amadou Diallo was shot 19 times by 4 NYPD officers. The 4 officers followed Diallo to his house accusing him to be a serial rapist. When Diallo went in his pocket to pull out what was his wallet, the officers let off 41 gunshots (Fritsch).…
that Louima punched him in the head outside of a nightclub (Guide). He also made mention that he wanted to humiliate Louima regardless (Guide). Volpe was sentenced to 30 years in prison and as for Schwarz he was sentenced to 15 years in prison for help assisting (Guide). Although this scared this young man for life it also brought arwareness to the ongoing pattern of New York police officers abusing black men and overstepping their authority (Guide). The fourth case of police brutality was…
attack. The red team, by contrast, relied on far fewer factors when making their decisions. One thing that the blue team did not utilize that the red team did allow to influence their decisions making was their gut intuition. (Gladwell). These two examples indicate that thin-slicing decision making has overpowered the long decision-making process. Furthermore, Malcolm Gladwell warns that relying on the unconscious decision-making is not always a good approach to making decisions. Malcolm…