Plastic bags should be banned becaues they contribute to the pollution in our world. Plastic bags are lightweight, so they can travel long distances by water or wind. Because they are lightweight they can easily blow out of trashes and they can possibly clog waterways, damage land (10 reasons why plastic bags should be banned, 2017,October 26). Also plastic bags can contribute and make ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes (which countries have banned plastic bags?, 2003-2018). They also litter our landscapes and when they do they can pollute our crops, get caught in fences and trees. They can float around in waterways and eventually make their ways to the ocean where they can pollute the waters and the animals that live there. Plastic bags are costly to clean up and to make, we may not pay for plastic bags directly when we go shopping but we eventually do. Plastic bags cost about 3.5 cents each, but the cost to clean them up is about 17 cents per bag on average. Tax payers end up paying about 88 dollars per year just on plastic bag waste (10 reasons why plastic bags should be banned,2017,October 26). In an effort to help reduce the amount of waste and pollution by plastic bags some countries have banned plastic bag to help lower the risk of pollution. Africa has banned plastic bags or taxed them in…
According to United Nations Environment Programme, there is approximately 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in every square mile of the ocean! I strongly think that plastic bags should be banned in the whole entire United States. Not only would it encourage people to use reusable bags, it will save many animals, and will prevent toxins from entering into the air. First of all, with a ban on plastic bags, it will encourage people to use reusable bags. Reusable bags have a benefit on not only…
My goal of this paper is to persuade my readers that plastic bags should be banned because its disability to be degraded has caused the white pollution which is harmful to the environment. For this essay, I have done a long journal of research. I selected three pictures to insert into the paper to make the contents more visual for the readers. I discussed the reason, influence of the forbidden of plastic bags. My strong part of this essay is that I have strong points and sources to prove my main…
Plastic bags drifting through the wind have many references in popular culture. From Katy Perry’s song fireworks to a random episode of Family Guy, somehow a mindless act of a piece of plastic being tossed around in the blowing wind has made an impression on today’s culture. Plastic bags, however, have been up for debate as to whether or not they should be used or banned. Some say they use up resources that we can not get back; release toxins into the air, water, and ground; kill animals that do…
The video shows that ridding of plastic bags is possible, but there needs to be a change. Plastic bags are environmental hazardous, and even though there is a simple solution they are still being used. Until we show companies that plastic bags are no longer needed or wanted companies will still use them. There are many negative environmental effects of having plastic bags. Besides being unsightly plastic bags adds to the negative effects of greenhouse gases. According to the Northern Territory…
bags is usually paper which is the opposite of the better option. In Oakland, California an organization backed by plastic manufacturers brought on a lawsuit claiming the city did not research enough on the reproductions of a bag ban and if they had done the research they would have realized paper bags are just as bad as plastic bags (McGrath). This has become the wave of bans on plastic bags continues every day, but most bans do not take into account that paper is just as bad and as they…
Why do we keep saying that plastic bags should have a tax? Human use plastic bags for groceries, garbage and dog waste. Using plastic bags is convenient. If there are no plastic bags it will make human difficult to live without them because they could carry a lot of stuff and if we had to buy plastic bags using much money people would be struggling on making money on their jobs because of paying money on every bag they buy on the store. That plastic bags fee cost would make people poor. There…
Roque The Exploding Lunch Bag Introduction “POP!” A balloon just blew up. But no, it was a plastic bag. But no one was there. So who blew it up? It turns out that it blew up by a mixture of vinegar, baking soda, and… WATER!!! What do you think, can you pop a bag with that mixture? Purpose The reason why I chose this experiment is because I have seen the reaction when both vinegar and baking soda go together… an explosion of vinegar. And if vinegar and baking soda can make a huge…
Plastic is a material that never decomposes back into its original form; this means it lasts forever. While this plastic is laying around it poisons people and mammals, chokes animals to death daily, and is an eyesore on Earth. A decisive action needs to be taken to get the existing plastics removed from the environment and use alternatives to this deadly material… before it’s too late. Plastic is currently the number one most preferred material in today's industrial world; this is posing an…
The documentary Bag It takes an in depth look at the use of the plastic bag and how it impacts our environment. I, like most, have assumed that because an item is recyclable, it can be used indefinitely while providing some level of satisfaction that we as humans have done our due diligence in protecting the environment. This film disproves that theory and takes you on the journey from the grocery store to the belly of a sea turtle. The first plastic bag was made known in the United States as a…