development of idea of multiculturalism can be traced into the concepts of cultural pluralism that is important for the formation of philosophical and social humanism to help build a better and more egalitarian society. Although diversity/pluralism is used interchangeably with multiculturalism, they are based on two separate ideals. Diversity generally refers to class, race, ethnicity and socio-economic variables contrast to multicultural ideology relating to specific communities containing multiple ethnicities and cultures. In its simplest definitions, the concept of multiculturalism having its roots in theories of cultural pluralism and diversity, can be defined as a normative response to manage the challenges arising from the ever growing…
1. Introduction: Nowadays several contemporary countries are described by multiculturalism (cultural varieties), multilingualism, and different ethnic and confessional views. Regarding the fact that the population has multi religious, multiethnic, and multicultural views, many efforts have been made to manage the mutual diversities and the differences linked with the identity of public and political unity. It denotes to the cultural diversities that originate from the presence of two or more…
living in this big society. You can see people are combining two or more different cultures together. They are trying to learn and accept different things. Like, chopsticks are no longer a patent of Chinese, most people know how to use chopsticks. Most immigrants are fitting into American society. Likewise, most Americans are willing to become allies or family with foreigners. Most people accepted the concept of multiculturalism, but you can still notice that there are lots of arguments between…
Theories Multiculturalism Multiculturalism means that people from different cultural groups received equal status, understood and celebrate festivals together without any discrimination and isolation. Besides that, society need to build bridges between each cultural groups through listening, learning, open to change and sharing to construct a society where everyday communication is based on justice, understanding, acceptance, diversity, celebration and peace-making. Jay (2011) stated that…
Immigration has significantly added to Canadian identity and what it means to be Canadian because of the stages carved towards multiculturalism and a greater Canada. In fact one could argue that Canada was a multicultural place from the start. For instance the first people to live on the land were the Aboriginals from Asia, then the European Settlers, to Africans, and even Latin Americans. The Chinese Immigration act in 1923, the celebration of the two millionth immigrant since confederation in…
Solis & Dabbour (2006) suggest that the HSI designation may be seen as an example of neoliberal multiculturalism when they state that “HSI is simply a moniker based on a Latin@ student body count used for public relations and privileged access to funding, rather than practices connected to missions and purposes” (Solis & Dabbour, 2006, p. 49). They point to the fact that institutions most often use HSI funds for activities such as upgrading infrastructure which benefits all students, not…
Approximately 300,000 immigrants have given up their loved ones, their careers, and their comfort to come to a great nation that offered them much more. In fact, about 5.8 million of the citizens in Canada were born in a different country, whether it be China, Russia or Pakistan. As of date, Canada is ranked has one of the most multicultural nations in the world. Proudly, Canada was the first country to establish the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1971, which calls for the preservation and…
Introduction Canada is well-known for adopting an official Multiculturalism policy based on individual and multicultural rights. This policy was implemented in 1971 and its goal was to affirm “the value and dignity of all Canadian citizens regardless of their racial or ethnic origins, their language, or their religious affiliation” (Citizenship and Immigration Canada). Augie Fleras posits that multiculturalism stabilizes “the tension between difference and equality on the one side and unity and…
Multiculturalism: A Complex Reality Multiculturalism, defined by the Merriam-Webster as the inclusion of many cultures in a society were all cultures identities are reflected is a term that has become widely known nowadays. This term centers on the thought of how a society should respond to cultural and religious differences. It’s important to clarify that the definition multiculturalism does not include complete assimilation and integration, which causes various problems within groups in…
Multiculturalism has always been a topic of discussion for Canada. There are many myths about Multiculturalism but there is no clear evidence which shows that multiculturalism is a failure .Some people say that this is a dividing force for Canada, while supporters of multiculturalism say that it integrates the country. In this essay firstly I will present various facts about immigration and multiculturalism and then I will argue that multiculturalism has positive on Canada and help people to…