Geography- Canada covers a large portion of the northern area of the North American continent, Also, Canada has an extremely varied landscape. In various locations, it has mountains, including the Rockies, with several that border the Atlantic. In contrast, flat plans make up other areas. The highest point in Canada is Mount Logan which is in the Yukon. Language- Canadians speak a multitude of languages. Canadians speak English and French as their preferred language. English and French, the “official languages” identified by the Constitution of Canada, which means that all laws of the federal government appear in both English and French and that federal government services are required to be available in both languages. Major Religion-…
Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy, that is as well technically a constitutional democracy under the dominion of the British Commonwealth; however, the British Commonwealth is purely ceremonial and does not possess any real control over the direction of Canada nor any actions dealing with Canadian foreign policy. The head of state of Canada is Queen Elizabeth II of the British Commonwealth, but as I stated earlier she holds no real power in Canada and is ceremonial. The true power in…
a job in Canada (McMahon). However, she was wrong. After months with no success in finding a job, the couple was forced to move to Seattle. Manvinkurve commenting before his departure “it’s not what any Canadian wants to hear.” “Canada is, by and large, not friendly to immigrants,” (McMahon). Today, I will introduce the topic of educated immigrants, and their importance to the Canadian economy. I will be using…
world. Technology is commonly found in Silicon Valley however, the immigration status remains in negotiations and Canada is planning on taking advantage of the new administrations inorganization. The article mentions has two founders of a company who are from India and were working with H1-B visas had trouble renewing their visas when they expired. Due to the complications or renewing the work visas, the two founders moved their shop to Canada. This does not mean that Silicon Valley will…
One of the world’s longest and “friendliest” borders has been reinvented and reconfigured to “a high security zone marked by fortified crossing points, thermal body detectors, swiveling surveillance cameras, and the occasional low-skimming Blackhawk helicopter” (“Overzealous U.S-Canada”, 2015). Considerations for this reconfiguration occurred long before the events of September 11 2001, and Canada did not want to implement policies that did not assess refugee claims on a “case by case basis”,…
While Canada has some poverty just like many other countries, Canada is still the best country in which to live in because of its healthcare, wealth in resources and better jobs which leads to better pay. First of all, Canada has a great health care system which supports Canadians. In Canada a person is likely to live around 79 years which is Canadas life expectancy years. Canada was the best out of ten other countries for life expectancy. In Canada, life expectancy increased due to public…
society. To say that the Aboriginal people of Canada have faced harsh and despicable circumstances in order to be where they are today is true in its entirety. The disgusting…
The essay topic I have chosen is “Is Canada a relevant or a fading power?”. Primary readings on the subject indicate that Canada was viewed as a middle power throughout the Cold War. During the founding of the United Nations, Canada played a large role as “mediator in the new international order” (Ferrari, 2006) and was elected as a middle power in 1945 after the Australian’s gave up the role. The Canadian post-war identity was one that showed strength, optimism and just practises. According to…
Can you imagine yourself migrating to a different country, adapting to the change of climate, adjusting to the different culture and learning how to speak English is a way of survival? Throughout the history of Canada, immigration has become a part of our countries fabric, which began centuries ago. Canada is a country where we welcome anyone from any descent or displaced country to come and live in peace. Canada is both a multicultural and multiethnic country where individuals from diverse…
Political opinions are changing in Canada; many reasons can account for this, including regionalism. Regionalism can be used to explain regional differences and voter outcome, making it a powerful political tool in Canada. In this paper, regionalism will be described as an explanatory variable under the conditions of the “composition effect" and the “context effect,” building on the ideas of Cochrane and Perrella (2012). As well, the emergences of indifferent “regional political cultures” will…