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14 Cards in this Set

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The many and varied types of commitment that individuals feel towards coworkers, team's, organizations, and careers.

Job embeddedness

The process whereby individuals derive a feeling of pride and esteem from their association with an organization. Individuals may also take pains to distance themselves from the organization For which they work - this would be called organizational disidentification

Organizational identification (IOD)

What are the 4 variations of identification?

Identification, disside identification, ambivalent identification, neutral identification.

Individuals define themselves in terms of the attributes of the organization.


individuals Define themselves as not having the attributes of the organization.


individuals identify with some attributes of the organization but reject other aspects.

Ambivalent identification

Individuals remain aggressively neutral, neither identifying nor disidentifying with the attributes of the organization.

Neutral identification

A positive work related state of mind that includes high levels of energy, enthusiasm, and identification with one's work.

Employee engagement

Research at Western electrics Hawthorne plant showed that...

The perceptions of workers had as great an effect on productivity as a physical working conditions. The Hawthorne studis the Hawthorne studies gave impetus for the study of worker's attitudes and new construct of jobs satisfaction.

hurstberg and colleagues found a connection between satisfaction and other work behaviors, which led them to introduce one of the 1st modern theories of jobs satisfaction....

The 2 factor theory. They proposed that extrinsic factors satisfied hygiene needs and entrisic factors satisfied motivator needs.

2 reliable, valid, and commonly used job satisfaction instruments are the...

Job descriptive index and the Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire. Recently some questionnaire. Research indicates that job satisfaction instruments have similar meaning and validity whether they are administered in paper and pencil format or over the Internet.

Commitment to a relationship, and organization, a goal, or occupation, involves...

Emotional attachments..... Some people stay with an organization because they want to (affective commitment), Others because they need to (Continuous commitment), And others because they feel they ought to ( Normative commitment).

Generalized state of feeling not identified with a particular stimulus and not sufficiently intense to interrupt ongoing thought processes.


An effect or feeling, often experienced and displayed in reaction to an event or thought and accompanied by physiological changes and various systems of the body.
