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14 Cards in this Set

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Refers to whether employees have the personal characteristics necessary to acquire knowledge from the training program and apply it to the job.

Trainee readiness

Orientation in which individuals are concerned about doing well in training and being evaluated positively.

Performance orientation

Orientation in which individuals are concerned with increasing their competence for the task at hand. They view errors and mistakes as part of the learning process.

Mastery orientation

Extend to which trainees are interested in attending training, learning from training, and transferring the skills and knowledge acquired in training back to the job.

Trainee motivation

Approach in which employees expectations about the relationship between how Much effort they expend in how well they perform are important to their motivation and learning.

Expectancy framework

Occurs when desired behaviors followed by a reward, which is increased as the probability that the behavior will be repeated.

Positive reinforcement

Cognitive theory that proposes there are many ways to learn, including observational learning, which occurs when people watch someone perform a task and then rehearse those activities mentally until they have an opportunity to try them out.

Social learning theory

Learning approach that consists of observing actual job incumbents or videos of job incumbents who demonstrate positive modeling behaviors, rehearsing the behavior with role-playing technique, receiving feedback on the rehearsal, and trying out the behavior on the job.

Behavioral modeling

Believe in one's capability to perform a specific task or Reach a specific goal

Self efficacy

Is 4 ways self efficacy level can be increased

1. Before training begins, providing as much information as possible about the train program and the purpose of training.

2. Reducing perceived threats by emphasizing learning outcomes and not emphasizing performance outcomes.

3. showing employees the training success of peers in similar jobs.

4. Helping trainees develop better learning strategies to use during training, such as summarizing main points and using memory aids to help pretension.

Motivational approach in which specific, difficult goals direct attention and improve performance and training and on the job.

Goal setting

What 3 things should goal setting trainers ensure that all trainees have?

1. Clear short term goals for the training program

2. Short term goals for the intermediate transfer of their training.

3. long term goals that focus on continued mastery and use of training content.

Knowledge of the results of one's actions. Enhances learning and performance in training and on the job.


Approach that involves actively participating in a training or work task, rather than passively observing someone else perform the task.

Active practice