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15 Cards in this Set

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Positive attitude or emotional State resulting from the appraisal of or job experience.

Job Satisfaction

A change in behavior or attitudes that was the simple result of increased attention.

Hawthorne effect

Relatively stable feelings or beliefs that are directed towards specific persons, groups, ideas, jobs, or other objects.


Overall assessment of jobs satisfaction that result from either from mathematically combining scores based on satisfaction with specific important aspects of work or a single overall evaluative rating of the job.

Overall satisfaction

information related to specific facets or elements of jobs satisfaction.

Facet satisfaction

One of the most extensively researched and documented job satisfaction instruments. Assesses satisfaction with 5 distinct areas: the work itself, supervision, people, pay, and promotion.

Job descriptive index (JDI)

a commonly used job satisfaction increment that assesses particular aspects of work (Achievement, ability utilization) as well as scores for extrinsic satisfaction and intrinsic satisfaction.

Minnesota satisfaction questionnaire (MSQ)

Satisfaction that derives from aspects central or intrinsic to the job itself, such as responsibility.

Intrinsic satisfaction

Satisfaction that derives from aspects extrinsic, or external, to job task, such as pay or benefits.

Extrinsic satisfaction

Psychological and emotional attachment and individual feels to a relationship, an organization, a goal, or an occupation.


An emotional attachment to an organization.

Affective commitment

Perceived cost of leaving an organization.

Continuance commitment

An obligation to remain in an organization.

Normative commitment

After a relatively short period of employment with a single organization, the worker experiences a growing disaffection, eventually leading to a decision to quit.

Honeymoon effect

Commitment to a particular occupational field. Includes effective, continuous, and normative commitment.

Occupational commitment