Self-Directed Learners

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Reflection on Self-Directed Learners “At the heart of self-directed learning is the notion that the learner takes control of his or her own learning (Merriam and Bierema, 2014).” According to the research done by Allen Tough in his book The Adult’s Learning Project, and cited by the Merriam and Bierema, 90% of adults in Tough’s study were engaged in a self-directed learning project and 70% of learning projects were planned by the adult themselves. “Subsequent studies have confirmed that upward of 90% of adults are engaged in some sort of informal learning project (Merriam and Bierema, 2014).” Knowing that the vast majority of adults will participate in the notion of learners being self directed in there quest for knowledge, it is important …show more content…
The first is the basic desire to gain knowledge or a skill that they currently are lacking. Second is the learner wants to become more self-directed in their learning after some initial learning takes place. Next, is transformational learning. This type of learning takes place when the learner takes the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs and ideals upon discovery of the new knowledge. Finally, emancipatory learning takes place when the learner supports political or social causes based on the new learning (Caffarella, 2000). The goals that motivate increase in their complexity as the learner matures in the self-directed process. The goals start with basic acquisition and move to a more committed level of learning, reflection, and …show more content…
“Given our fast-changing environment, it is no longer possible to learn everything we need to know in formal preparatory education; therefore, one of our most important roles as adult educators is to support self-directed learning. Building our own knowledge and skill in this area allows us to foster SDL in others (Merriam and Bierema, 2014).” Research suggests that there are four stages of a self-directed learning model that learners go through to reach a more mature level of learning. The first stage is dependent, characterized by the need to have a teacher provide feedback and coach the learner. In the second stage, the learner moves to the interested stage. In this stage, the teacher serves more as a motivator and guide, as opposed to the provider of knowledge. In the third stage, the learner becomes involved. The teacher serves as a facilitator to the self-directed learner by facilitating discussion but participating as equals. Finally, the fourth stage is where the learner is self-directed. In this stage, teacher is primarily as a consultant (SDL

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