Meta Cognition Analysis Of Own Learning

Improved Essays
Part 1: Meta-cognition – Analysis of own learning
Motivation and engagement
Motivation is the internal state that energises, directs and maintains behaviours over time (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). Duchesne, & McMaugh, (2016) noted, engagement is the responses that follow from energy and drive from the motivation unpinning achievement. Thus, I can see a relationship between this and my approach to learning that when I engaged and understood a concept, I will be motivated to learn more. My mastery goals drive motivation. Mastery goals are a personal objective to achieve mastery or control of task or skill, of completion of this university degree; for example (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). Duchesne, & McMaugh, (2016) highlighted performance goals
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For instance, when completing this assignment, I had a performance goal to do it to the best of my ability which is what determinate my motivation and engagement to completion. Achievement motivation is the outcome a person wants or expects (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). Thus, relates to my learning as when goal setting as gaining positivity feeling from mastering tasks and want to improve competence, drive my motivation for the next task. Dweck (2006) created the idea of there are two mindsets about own intelligence; fixed and growth. Self-efficacy and growth mindset will have the belief that they are fundamental to their success (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). A growth mindset is an individual’s perception that brain and intelligence can be developed dependent on the quantity of effort (Dembo, 2012). This relates to my learning as I believe I have a growth mindset. Garner’s Multiple intelligence tests show I scored high in intrapersonal aspect. Intrapersonal means I am connected to who I am and how I feel towards my limits and abilities. Setting goals, self-management and reflections are what I do to learn. My learning approach proves this by I am motivated by setting goals for myself and like to monitor my progress frequently, through mini quizzes …show more content…
Carl Rogers is similar to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs with the main ideas, however, adds environment as a significant aspect. My learning strategy is analogous to this as I develop skills or knowledge through self-directed activities. For example; year ten I choose the subject I would like to do, and my academic scores went up because I was self-directing through the study group.
Social and emotional aspects of learning allow the learner to acquire the skills to recognise and manage their emotions, demonstrate caring and concern for others (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). Having a social and emotional characteristic establishes positive relationships make responsible decisions and handle challenging situations effectively (Duchesne, & McMaugh, 2016). Thus, I can see the relationship between social and emotional aspect and my learning approach as I learn best when the classroom has a climate of encouragement for my personal values and self-awareness. I am a horrible speller however in high school, my teachers considered the ‘whole of the child’ and given marks for the effort, knowledge and

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