Brainology By Carol Dweck Summary

Improved Essays
Analyzing “Brainology”

In the following essay, we will analyze and discuss the article “Brainology” by Carol Dweck. Starting off by the title, the opening paragraphs, the claim, the author’s purpose, methods, persona and closing paragraphs as well. Because I believe Dweck’s article was more effective than ineffective, reasons of why I believe she could've done a better work will be discussed and explained in short.
The title the author chooses for this article, “ Brainology”, introduces the audience to what she will be talking about, it is important to point out that the word “brainology’ induces us to think of a very broad topic which could be understood as a study of the brain. Not only that but also Dweck conveys something of her persona
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“ Intelligence is a potential that can be realized through learning. As a result, confronting challenges, profiting from mistakes, and persevering in the face of setbacks become ways of getting smarter”. She starts off by telling the readers the definitions of these two mindsets and then proceeds to explain how students with these two mindsets are being affected in a negative way because of the way they see the amount of intelligence they might have instead of looking at it as something that they can improve. By doing this, the readers are being convinced that having a fixed mindset will lead them to fail at school, sports or any task they are assigned to do because they think they are either smart at something or dumb at it. In effect, they understand they will stop trying at a certain point. This idea Dweck explains is with the purpose of telling them: you better change that fixed mindset for a growth mindset before it's too late and you have gave up on everything you couldn't achieve …show more content…
In addition, this article could be a life changing experience that is why is so important for the author to explain who she is and why should we believe

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