Why is it unreliable?
(Relying on animal research and testing to protect and improve human health is not only unsafe, but also expensive, time-consuming, and unreliable- neavs, paragraph 1) Animal testing is unreliable because no one will truly know how a human can react to the drugs , compared to an animal. Most animals are able to react differently from each other , so you would be risking lives since most test are not accurate enough. Animal testing can also be fairly …show more content…
multiple products, same combinations of ingredients , and beauty product have been repeated. They should be able to release a new product knowing it wasn't tested on animals in general. This methods will be able to help the companies get their products out much sooner. The companies are going to be able to experiment with the already tested products instead of coming up with random new ingredients that can can harmful to animals and hurt a ton of people for inaccuracies.
Animal testing is a disgusting “ research” tool. This method that is practiced all over the world, is not helpful to us in any way , shape, or form, The animal epidemic should've been over years ago, Animals being tortured for our own need makes us sound , humans , as greedy and