Animal Testing Debate

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In our daily lives, we use different products for a variety of things. In drugstores and in our local malls, there are categories of diverse items that are available to us. These items can range from makeup, skincare, hair products, prescription medicine and much more. They contribute in making our lives easier and more productive. These products are often designed to enhance our appearance and health. When we watch television, or browse the internet, we constantly see new products being advertised to the public. All products provide a label containing the ingredients and facts pertaining to that item, and where it came from. Many products in the market today are tested on animals first. Animal testing has helped us achieved many accomplishments in our society. It plays a huge role by ensuring the products are safe for human use. With the rise of cruelty-free items, there are different options as opposed to animals testing. Animal testing should be eliminated because it is unethical and unreliable due to biological differences between humans and animals.
Animal testing is a cruel and unethical practice that millions of innocent animals are victims of. These animals can include mice, birds, bunnies, cats, monkeys, and dogs. An example of one unethical method is that the animals are placed in cages without food and water. Animals in these labs are denied nutrients and nourishments to help them survive. When a living animal is unable to consume food and water for days, it takes a toll on their immune system. The lack of food and water leaves them weak and helpless since they have no means of finding food on their own. The starved animal’s experiences excruciating pain and suffering from the lack of energy. Since these animals are used for research purposes, they are disregarded and treated inhumanely because they are only there to serve one purpose. In majority of these cases, animals being denied nutrients results in death. Once these animals are deceased, they bring in new animals as test subjects who falls victim to this unethical practice. This cruel and vicious cycle continues and happens frequently. Animal testing is unreliable due to the biological differences between humans and animals. An example of this is the practice of medical testing on animals. They are frequently the test subjects for new vaccinations and drugs for medical research. The HIV/AIDS virus is only found in human, but testing for its cure is primarily done on animals. There are many news reports on HIV/AIDS indicating that
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It is an unreliable and unethical method that should be banned. Today, many of the things we used for our daily needs attributes from Animal Testing. Most products people use are not cruelty free, and they are oblivious to the products background. These animals are subjected to harsh and unethical conditions while being tested on. These cruel conditions involve denying the animals food and water which is essential to their survival. Barring them food and water leads to their death which is not part of an ethical practice. Animal testing for medical purposes is not effective in clinical trials for HIV/AIDS. It proves to be unreliable because of the differences in anatomy between humans and animals. Like most controversial issues, there are pros and cons. In the case of animal testing, the humane thing for us to do is to eliminate animal

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