Animals are being caused to get cancer or other different illnesses just to find a cure for it. If the medication does not work for the animals, they suffer. The World of Doublespeak by William Lutz speaks to us about how people try to make the bad seem good. They deny their responsibilities and avoid being responsible for whatever situation they put themselves in. This is something that is most likely to happen daily. We all live in a world of doublespeak. Moreover, as Murnaghan mentions, animal testing is seen as something good because it is helping researchers to find drugs and treatments to these illnesses. People say that it helps to ensure the safety of drugs (Murnaghan). As seen here, researchers tried to make the bad seem good. It is sad because these animals are being held in captivity. Some are killed after they are done with their experiment. Ian Murnaghan mentions how some of the substance tested is never even used for anything useful. These products are tested on these animals for practice because it is a substance that wouldn’t be approved or won’t have public consumption. Another thing is that researchers keep thinking that animals and humans are the same in the skin. Animals can have a lot of reactions to these chemicals as well as humans because the skin is different. So, testing an animal is not a guarantee that it will save the lives of all human beings. Each body is different and it …show more content…
That is why us humans need to feel their pain and understand that it is not right to make these animals go through pain. They need to stop falling for these misleading information that is given to everyone on a daily basis. Propaganda: How Not to Be Bamboozled by Donna Woolfolk Cross, mentions to us how we can be tricked in many methods to believe something that might not be real or they may mislead us. Card-Stacking, in this method people tend to focus on their point of view and ignores the rest of the peoples’ point of view. Cross mentions how these methods are some nasty tricks that people use and it is full of lies. So, having this in mind it card-stacking has a lot to do with my topic on animal testing because these researchers are just focusing on their facts and ignoring the rest. Even though people say that they are just animals it doesn’t mean that what they do to them hurts them. In fact, these animals suffer a lot in the process of the experiment and afterwards. Some may say that they take good care of these animals, but in reality do they? “Before their deaths, some are forced to inhale toxic fumes, others are immobilized in resistant devices for hours, some have holes drilled into their skulls, and others have their skin burned off or their spinal cords crushed” (Collins). It can be so easy to lie to someone and someone to believe because they are professionals and they are