Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur’s “Letters from an American Farmer,” and William Bartram’s “From Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida” are two works that seek to examine the environment through the interaction and experience with different animals. Each author adopts a romantic view throughout his experience, vividly describing the beauty behind the species they come in contact with. However, these two writers deviate from one another once the contact with the animals has been established; one is decidedly devoted to the duty of third-party interference, while the other is immersed in his own observations. Although each piece shares common values, the dichotomy between the settings provoke differences of thought…
In Death of a Salesman by, Arthur Miller, Willy has a desire to be a good father to his son were his dad was not. Willy believes that if he can instill the correct values into Biff so he can be like himself or more successful. The problem Willy is confronted with is that he cares too much as if he is trying to emulate his life in Biffs. Compared to Willy Charley takes a position of hands off while still teaching Bernard to be a good student and by working hard because it will pay dividends later…
knowing what celebrities went through to get there. With that being said, what do you value most in life? Is it the little things that can be by the past or the important things? In life people tend to put so much value on the little things. For example, like William Carlos Williams hold his red wheelbarrow to so much standards. He feels as though so much depends upon it. When we focus on the little things, we tend to get side-tracked as William Carlos Williams shows in his “Red Wheel” poem and…
simple man was William Carlos Williams. He was born in America as a Puerto Rican-American who then with hard work and determination became a well-practiced doctor. He however is better known for his works of poetry that challenged the traditional way of writing poetry. In Williams’s book of poetry, The Wedge, is prefaced by an introduction that introduces his readers to his controversial ideas concerning poetry and what it should represent in today’s modern times. He wants his readers to break…
commentary. In terms of poetry, authors often switch between the two throughout their bodies of work. William Carlos Williams is an imagist poet whose personal poetic philosophy as expressed in various essays and interviews demonstrates a clear choice for using the poetic form to make social political commentary. In particular, Williams poem This is Just to Say is no exception to Williams’ method of using the poetic form for political…
In Remembrance of Aggie Fausnaugh (1929 – 2016) The Agnes H. Fausnaugh Endowed Scholarship Fund is a bequest from Aggie Fausnaugh, Ohio Wesleyan, to her beloved sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Aggie Park attended Ohio Wesleyan University where she became a member of Rho Chapter in 1946. It was that same fall that Aggie met Hal A. Fausnaugh, a member of Beta Theta Pi and her future husband. From the moment she met Hal, she knew he was the guy for her. Kappa was another great love of Aggie’s life.…
A modernist by trade, William Carlos Williams works with other artists in an effort to start and perpetuate a new movement. Working within the constraints that focused on breaking free from past restrictions and conscriptions with an eye towards current events and cultural influences, Williams is building something beautifully simplistic in his poetry. Towards the beginning of his efforts in poetry Williams’ underlines the fears associated with the cultural change to modernism, and the prevalent…
In the short story “The Use of Force,” by William Carlos Williams, a doctor narrates his visit to the Olson Family whose daughter, Mathilda, may be sick with diphtheria. The doctor explains that he is trying to be nice to Mathilda, but seeing that she refuses to let him examine her he asks the parents to consent to a forceful method. Eventually, he uses excessive force to get the diagnosis. Are his actions justifiable? Given that Mathilda is finally revealed to have diphtheria and the doctor’s…
The 19th century poet,Walt Whitman, is an important figure in American Literature.Walt Whitman wrote poems that represented events and important social issues going on in the United States of America during the late 1800’s. In his poems, “Song of Myself” and “Crossing the Brooklyn Ferry”, he talks to the future generations about society's problems, as if Whitman wanted the audience in today’s generation to learn from his own generation. Also, in his poems, Whitman uses transcendental thoughts…
on the adjacent wall is entitled Parnassus. This mural displays the Greek God Apollo in his outdoor dwelling place. Apollo was the god of music and poetry, and he is triumphantly in the center of the composition playing an instrument while singing. While these frescoes show ideals that were important in the Antique and Renaissance eras, they also uphold the idea of the arts being so disjointed and classified separately. If a muralist were working today, they would probably want to show…