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    Rabie Virus

    • 491 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Viruses are typically species-specific, with one type of virus affecting one species of host. Therefore, a human virus cannot infect a feline and vice versa. The reasoning behind this limitation is that viruses use docking proteins to attach to surface receptors on host cells. Moreover, the cell membrane proteins attach to docking chemicals (Daempfle, 2016). In addition, viruses also utilized this docking system in order to attach to host cells. Obvious exceptions exist which include the rabies virus. For example, in the rabies virus, the docking and transmission between species are able to occur because the rabies proteins tend to match many species (Daempfle, 2016). Furthermore, some viruses have tail ends, which enable them to…

    • 491 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Pox Virus

    • 592 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Pox virus is a double DNA virus that is best characterized by lesions that appear on the skin. The virus is identified using an electron microscope to find the brick shaped virions (King 2012). The use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) can identify which subfamily and genus the strand of pox virus is classified under. The family Poxviridae can be split into two subfamilies Chordopoxvirinae (vertebrate pox virus) and Entomopoxvirinae (insect pox virus) (Bracht et al 2005, King 2012). The…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Lyssa Virus

    • 674 Words
    • 3 Pages

    For this assignment, the virus that I chose to research further was the rabies virus, from the genus Lyssavirus. The rabies virus is a single-stranded RNA virus with a cylindrical structure that is covered by a layer of matrix protein. Its lipoprotein envelope is scattered with rabies glycoprotein-carrying trimeric spikes. This glycoprotein envelope can also influence the rabies virus virulence. The article I read also covered the pathology of the rabies virus, prevention strategies, vaccines,…

    • 674 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Herpes Virus

    • 297 Words
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    What is Herpes? Herpes simplex virus (HSV) is a viral infection that is caused by multiple herpes viruses. They can produce cold sores, genital inflammation or even conjunctivitis. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses, HSV-1 and HSV-2. HSV-1 is also known as oral herpes. It can cause cold sores and fever blisters around your mouth and/or on your face. HSV-1 is less contagious than . While as HSV-2 generally is responsible for genital herpes outbreaks. What is Zosters?…

    • 297 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    The Flu Virus

    • 652 Words
    • 3 Pages

    Influenza known as The Flu can easily be spread by coughing, sneezing, eating, or drinking after someone. The virus is a serious disease and is caused by Influenza A and B viruses, it is more likely to occur during the winter time. The virus can be mild to severe and sometimes it can lead to death. The Signs and symptoms include fever, chills, headache, drowsiness, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and lethargy (Robertson, 2016, Pg. 345). The doctors usually can diagnose if you have…

    • 652 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Zombie Virus

    • 1782 Words
    • 8 Pages

    to create fear and entertainment for ourselves. But is there a possibility of zombie virus, which already exists in the world. Ker Than, for National Geographic News discuses in his article “Zombie Virus" Possible via Rabies-Flu Hybrid?” discusses how the rabies virus is very similar to what we would consider a zombie virus. He discusses that if we mutated the rabies virus we could end up with an actual zombie virus on our hands. For us to mutate the virus we would need to borrow traits…

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    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    Influenza Virus

    • 1669 Words
    • 7 Pages

    A) The infection process of a vertebrate virus consists of 6 stages. Provide the name for each stage and provide details of the events that take place at each stage using Influenza virus A as the model. The 6 stages consist of: Attachment, Penetration, Uncoating, Biosynthesis, Assembly, and Release. Attachment is when the virus attaches or “locks” itself onto an acceptable cell. This occurs because a protein receptor is recognized by the virus and the virus attaches to the cell.…

    • 1669 Words
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    Superior Essays
  • Great Essays

    Ebola Virus

    • 2693 Words
    • 11 Pages

    The Ebola virus is gaining worldwide fame due to its sensational outbreak originating from Sierra Leone. The outbreaks of the virus have been recognized and effectively dealt with in the past, but the present outbreak is becoming a overwhelming challenge. Approximately there have been 15,000 suspected cases of the disease and 6,000 confirmed deaths so far. The horrifying visual hemorrhagic symptoms caused by the Ebola virus include internal and external bleeding as well as the fear inducing…

    • 2693 Words
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    Great Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Is Virus Alive

    • 281 Words
    • 2 Pages

    Is a Virus Alive? To figure out an explanation of whether a virus is alive or not, the term “alive” will have to be defined first. With the use of the universal term used by biologists (Respiration, Regulation, Reproduction, Excretion, Growth, Nutrition, Transport, Synthesis or R.R.R.E.G.N.T.S. for short). This term can be used to classify whether something is alive or not. Viruses at its core is made of 2 different parts which includes a nucleic acid and a capsid (sometimes also a lipid…

    • 281 Words
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    Improved Essays
  • Great Essays

    Virus Monologue

    • 882 Words
    • 4 Pages

    Every day the news talks about the Virus and how it’s getting worse. We don’t have a cure yet so more people are getting infected and more people die. I’m really starting to get sick of all the death. Here in the U.S. we have special compounds for the uninfected. This is where I live, with my mom and dad. Everyone in the compound works very hard to keep the virus from entering. In fact, both of my parents are scientist and they are desperate to find a cure. My friend Will and I are watchers, we…

    • 882 Words
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