performed the church offers professional courses for one to become a licensed auditor. To complete a successful audit session an E-Meter also needs to be present, a E-Meter is a device that was created by Volney Matheson and its purpose is to measure an individual’s emotional reaction to a tiny electrical current. However, for the purpose of Scientology the E-Meter is used to “tell what the pre-Clear’s mind is doing when the pre-Clear is induced to think of something” (Melton 10), however indications must be interpreted by a trained auditor. A pre-Clear as defined by the church is “Any person who has been entered into Dianetic Therapy” (Hubbard 604). Hubbard would later shift the development of Dianetics to focus on an entity of the mind, a thetan, this term would stem from the Greek word theta which meant life or thought. This step would effectively switch Scientology from a type of mental therapy to what could now be distinguished as a full fledged theological society; a religion. Dianetics “began with the assertion that the basic principle of existence is to survive” (Melton 25), Hubbard would outline this idea in his unreleased novel Excalibur, which followed the idea that humanity's only goal was to survive, therefore Hubbard argued, “that to understand survival was to understand life” (Miller 84). The overall goal of Dianetic therapy was to produce an “individual (who was) entirely free of all psychoses, neuroses, compulsions, repressions, and self-generated diseases”,…
The body includes the brain, which carries messages and is different from the mind. The mind is the sum of life experiences, memories, and decisions. The thetan is the soul and Hubbard felt that "soul" had come to have too many false meanings, so he used the term thetan based on the Greek letter theta. “According to the church: "A thetan is the person himself, not his body or his name or the physical universe, his mind or anything else. It is that which is aware of being aware; the identity…
news of the new religion. He had many different methods to his teachings and used an array of ideas that were aimed on the study of the mind and how it was affected by the different circumstances one may face. (Melton). He then founded the “Hubbard Association of Scientologists” and soon turned his attention towards the “spirit” rather than the “mind” (Melton). Hubbard and his board of Scientologist believed that there were three organic parts to the human, they were, mind, body, and lastly…
Jesus came to die for everyone sins on the cross and on day he is coming back to come for his people as it says in Revelation 1:8 King James Version (KJV) “ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” and in 2 Peter 3:10 “But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are…
The thetan is meant to represent a person’s true spiritual being, separate from the “the mind, body, and the physical world.” Scientologists claim that a person’s thetan has lived through many past lives and contains stored memories from those past lives. (Reitman 70) These memories could become problematic to the present, which is why Scientologists feel the need to recover those memories for the person to achieve true spiritual enlightenment (Scientology 101). The Church teaches that to reach…
Though defining spirit has always become a problem to many people, some would say that the human kind can be referred to as a spirit. According to Scientology, spirit refers to “oneself” (Sawada 3) which is similar to what most religions subscribe to. Secondly, there is the idea of inventing new words which can then be used to explain new concepts that do not have existing words. For lack of a clear descriptive word, Hubbard borrowed the word “thetan” from the Greek language to mean spirit…
“You take on a matrix of thought that is not your own”, actor Jason Beghe and former scientology believer (video BBC Panorama the secrets of scientology documented by). L. Ron Hubbard was an author of pulp/science fiction and creator of Scientology in 1954. Many of us have heard about Scientology, something that sounds to most like a religious cult, which seemed to take on a new level of focus when the famous actor, Tom Cruise, touted its benefits. Through the media, Cruise told us that it had…
instead of simply reading about it, in some way makes Scientology both more absurd and more frightening. The attitude of the filmmakers is conveyed through mock reverence towards the seriousness that the church members bring to these assemblies. So why do people become wrapped up in such a deranged group? As the movie states simply, Scientology originally presents itself as “a toolbox to help you live a better, freer, more purposeful life” (Wright). So it starts as a sort of self-help therapy…
religions, including Christianity and Aboriginal Spirituality have is how the the world was created, what is our purpose in life, where we go when we die and how do we reach life after death. Nearly, if not all religions provide answers to these questions. My research covered how religions answer the ultimate life question of where we go when we die and what we must do to reach the afterlife. I discovered that Christians must rely on the grace of God to apply the sacrifice Jesus made to rid us…
They believe that man is immortal, the body is not the person the spirit (thetan) is the most important part. They believe that when a person dies, the spirit should be encouraged to go off and seek a new body. A Scientologist can be very optimist and when faced with death they do not view it as a great calamity and are confident that they will be back. They neither need nor want sympathy over how sad it is they are dying (Hamilton 2010). Scientology has what is known as “auditing”. This…