Speed skating

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    Have you ever wondered what it’s like to speed skate in the Olympics? In the Olympics there are plenty of sports, and one such sport is speed skating. There are 4 main components to all sports, and I will be informing you about those. The first element of sports I will be explaining to you is competition. Speed skating is mostly self explanatory, but the main goal of it is to move over the distance of the race in the fastest time possible. You may be wondering “How do I play?” Well, while we’re on that topic, to play you use the ice skates to skate on the ice so you can achieve the quickest time. There are two tracks they compete on, it just depends how many times they travel around them. For long track it’s usually a 400 meter long oval track,…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Skating Analysis Daria Sosna initially had little experience with hockey and skating. However, during this course she has been able to apply the physical concepts learned in class to improve her skating technique significantly. Daria tried her best to improve her skills and she was able to maintain a positive attitude throughout this course. Daria’s forward, backward, stopping, crossover, and pivot skating skills will be analyzed below with suggestions on how to improve further. Forward…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    With a clap of her well-manicured hands, Laura announces that the campers are to begin ice skating. Claire and I head to the rental station, where a large cluster of people socialize by, and request for kids size twelve skates. The lady at the counter, who has wild purple hair, a nose ring, and a snake tattoo crawling up her arm, turns around and pulls out a pair of comically yellow ice skates. “Sorry, hon’, that’s the only pair we have,” she drawls in her deep strong southern accent, and I…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Roller Coaster Ride Essay

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    pass each planet in the solar system while being forced up and over hills, loops, and turns. Riders will start on a hill reaching about 50 ft, reaching the most potential energy they will have on the entire ride. Following after that, they will plummet down the hill. As a consequence, they will experience the feeling of weightlessness, free fall, huge amounts of kinetic energy, and air resistance. The drop gives you an instantaneous speed of 56 miles per hour. This is also where you reach your…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Dragonfly Research Paper

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    • 2 Pages

    The Warpaint Emerald Dragonfly is a fascinating dragonfly. The size of this dragonfly is above the average size for the genus. Each of the four wings of this dragonfly can move independently and are powered by powerful muscles. The wings normally beat 35 times per second and propel the dragonfly to speeds of 35 miles per hour. Dragonflies have a visual field of almost 360 degrees. The legs of dragonflies are not able to walk. The Warpaint Emerald Dragonfly is about 49-50 mm long in adults.…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    There was something very exciting about skating on a block of ice with wet clothes, bruised knees, and frost-bit fingers. It was also extremely heart-warming for me to see my mother and uncle reconnect and make up for lost time over stale french-fries from the concession stand. This sentimental moment was interrupted by a hand on my back, pushing me onto the ice. I was able to pick up my head just soon enough to see my brother laughing as he made his escape. After we had all eventually lost…

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    • 5 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Superior Essays

    The U.S is the known as one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world, yet the U.S has one of the slowest and most expensive internet speeds. Japan, whose internet bandwidth averages 81 Megabytes per second (MBPS) is very cheap at $0.40 per MBPS compared to the pricey and slow internet speeds of the U.S at 15 MBPS for $5.66 per MBPS. That is almost six times slower and 14 times more expensive than Japan. There are many possible solutions ranging from expensive options such as…

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    • 6 Pages
    Superior Essays
  • Superior Essays

    the thought in my head that I may need a little more experience with the Blackfoot culture in the area. My last session with the Traffic Unit I was with Constable Norman Smith again. First thing we did was go out to the highway to catch speeders coming into town from Fort McCloud. Smith pulled over a car that was speeding excessively (Nearly 40 kilometers over) and he gave them a regular speeding ticket, so I asked about it. He explained to me that the officer has the discretion to give a…

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    Superior Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Crash Analysis: The analysis of crash in this case will look at the speed of the vehicles, braking and any line of sight issues. Conservation of Linear Momentum Speed analysis in this case is determined by the use of several speed equations. The first equation is the use of the formula Conservation Of Linear Momentum. (COLM) COLM requires knowledge of the vehicles weights, approach and departure angles and post collision speeds of the vehicles. The vehicle weights were determined in this…

    • 708 Words
    • 3 Pages
    Improved Essays
  • Decent Essays

    2012 Lamborghini Aventador LP 700-4 For stalling performance and handling. Nothing else looks, feels or sounds like the Lamborghini Aventador. It has the same features like the Ferrari and McLaren in matters of performance, and the expenses. However, this is not a great car for one to drive if they are not made use of to speed or smaller sized cars. This car is an extremely quick. It has a V12 engine and it offers you a stunning step with every gearshift you make. It has great suspensions and…

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