It that report, the ICD unveiled the detailed numbers as part of its move to raise funds for the first Islamic bond issue. Accordingly, the National Bonds Corporation is subject to international audit mechanisms, more so now due to the financial crisis of 2007/08, that led to the loss of money by many investors. With a net worth of paid-up capital to the tune of AED 150 million, several issues that contribute to such figures must be examined, hence this report on its corporate governance structures. This report is for a self-reflection by the NBC to enhance several business parameters that are material to the success. These include its governance system, the degree of ethical standards, and its corporate social…
parliament’. The Eurozone crisis, in simplistic terms refers to the idea that a few European countries are in debt and incapable of paying their dues. Countries like Greece have been in the spotlight most recently due to their huge deficit of 340 billion Euros that they have borrowed over the past five years. In order to repay the debt, Greece has had to make many cuts, consequently leaving many impoverished. However, Greece lacked…
AN ASSESSMENT OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE UPSURGE OF ISLAMIC BANKING SERVICES IN KENYA. A Thesis Submitted to the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton, School of Business, Department of Management In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration (Finance) Wilson Mauti Ogonda June, 2015 APPROVAL This thesis entitled “An Assessment of the Factors Influencing the Upsurge of Islamic Banking in Kenya” written and submitted by Wilson…
Wells Fargo’s Ethical Scandal It was a bank heist greater than the Brink's job in 1950, however, the brigands used no ordinary firearms or getaway vehicles. As opposed to being quick on the draw, they had quick fingers on computer keyboard and mouse. Over the course of four years, The Wells Fargo Bank of San Francisco, had at least 5,000 employees opened more than a million fake bank and credit card account on behalf of innocent customers. This monumental scandal that broke the basic principle…
Principles of lean management are utilized frequently throughout the credit union. At the beginning of each fiscal year the executive team sits with the credit union’s department heads to determine areas that need improvement and/ or will add value. These ideas are pitched by the department heads who utilize the principles of lean management when presenting their proposals. In the proposals to the executive team the department heads discuss how their ideas add value for our members and/or the…
Buffett is an advocate of Graham’s investing principles. He uses his purchase of Washington Post Company to illustrate those principles. Buffett and others estimated the intrinsic value at between $400 and $500 million while the market price was $100 million. The key thing that Buffett takes from Graham’s principles is the practice of buying good businesses at market discounts compared to the underlying value. A common misconception is that the market provides the most accurate price. Buffett…
2. What is the impact of service quality on the overall performance of Barclays Bank? 3. What are the problems the bank face in providing good customer service? 3 Has service quality impacted the organisational performance? 1.5 Significance of the Study The study would contribute significantly to the development of the banking industry which plays a pivotal role in the development of the economy of Ghana. This is because the study seeks to identify the impact of service quality on…
Unit 4 Assignment: Case Study Part 1 of Target Corporations Shannon Mott Kaplan University Abstract Unit 4 Assignment: Case Study Part One of Target Corporations Preliminary Analysis US Securities and Exchange Commission The event that spurred the creation of the SEC was The Great Depression. The SEC was created to “restore investor confidence in our capital markets by providing investors and the markets with more reliable…
Decreased cost iii. Improved productivity iv. Increased market share v. Stay in business vi. Provide more jobs and more jobs W. E. Deming (1986) in his book 'Out of the Crisis' offered fourteen key principles for transforming business effectiveness - among which included: Creating constancy of purpose towards improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive and stay in business, and to provide jobs Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for…
this recession slid further into a depression. Multiple European banks failed, leaving the U.S. out of hundreds of millions of dollars, new technology and international competition led to overproduction in multiple industries, and eighty percent of the population had no life savings due to many buying stocks on margin. Five percent of the population accounting for a third of all total wealth led to a consumer economy where only few could consume. President Herbert…