Best Practice: Teaching – Family Model University of Arkansas Stephanie Clark Methodist Family Health Counseling Clinic is an organization that provides healthcare services focused on various emotional and behavioral challenges individuals and families can face. Methodist provides many different services all over Arkansas that range from inpatient to school-base services. They also have eight Therapeutic Group Homes that provide a family-like setting while children are also able to receive other needed services. “Children are referred to Group Home care by the state Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS), churches, parents and other Methodist Family Health programs. The length of stays are generally 9-12 months or…
daughter with what she needs however it is more difficult since she does not speak English. The family has different individual health status need although they are generally healthy. One concern for the whole family observed was bad eating habits that can lead to obesity and diabetes. With S drinking and smoking he is opening himself up to higher risk of heart disease, liver disease, cancer, and high blood pressure. Family Stress and Coping Currently the largest family stressor is S…
1/A) The first component of a family assessment is defining the meaning of a family. According to the speaker in the video, a family is a self-identified group of two or more individuals whose association is characterized by special terms, who may or may not be related by blood or law, but they function in a way that they consider themselves a family (Doreenwestera, 2010). The most important component of a family assessment is gaining an idea about the family dynamics and gaining an…
In essence, the concept of ecology views human development in the context of their relationship with the environment. It is the understanding of human behavior from a historical, cultural, and biological perspective which may have been integrated into their present circumstances. In addition, the theory views the individual as the cause and effect of their situation and believes that each change the individual makes causes a reactive change within their environments (Friedman & Allen, 2011).…
Introduction The ensuing paper discusses the family dynamics and interpersonal relationships present in the movie The Help. Most specifically, the relationship between a mother and daughter will be explored. We will begin by providing an overlay of the movie’s characters and basic story line. Following this overview, the writings will delve deeper into the environment, values, and roles that shape the Phelan family. Finally, this paper will provide a comprehensive evaluation the Phelan family’s…
this assignment we will be taking an in-depth look into the celebrity’s life. While doing so, I will be applying nine different personality theories to explain the development of Monroe’s personality. In addition to this, I will be identifying methods of personality assessment, and the tools that…
High-Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion - Homelessness Although the numbers of homeless people have decreased overall, homelessness remains a persistent problem in the United States. In 2013, over 600,000 Americans were without a home. According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 36 percent of the homeless are made up of families and “58 percent of all homeless people in families were under the age of 18” (2014, p. 22). Both the parents and children of these…
The Quintanilla’s Cultural Family Assessment How does one define culture? In our readings culture is defined as a set of shared views and adaptive behaviors that are derived from a variety of context (Plumer, 2013). When assessed properly a culture assessment could shine the light on a family’s culture norms, values, beliefs, and patterns of thinking, which then could help us heal our patients holistically (Friedman, Bowden, & Jones, 2003, p. 230). On topic, the family we will be assessing…
Aggregate Strength and Weakness Gilliam Psychiatric hospital is the largest mental health hospital in the state of South Carolina, in which provides service to incarcerated inmates who are mentally ill. South Carolina state mental health hospital had to close their doors due to limited funds in the state budget system. Some of the patients were forced out into the community with limited resources to survive and ended up in the hands of the judicial system. As a result the mentally ill clients…
With the structure-function theory families are examined in terms of their relationship with other major social structures (Kaakinen et al., 2010). Many of these relationships were revealed while completing the ecomap. Most of the extended family was not available for support. Willie’s work friends, health providers, County services and Church were the main connections and resources available to the family. The most helpful resources were Church and work friends. The least helpful were…