As we currently stand on the brink of war in Syria, it is imperative that we as a country understand our chances and possible outcomes of such a war. Syria resides in the breadbasket of human civilization, and has a rich, diverse, and historical culture. To win a war you must fully understand the operational environment. The focus of this paper will be on the different people, organizations, and groups found in this diverse country. To assist in that objective, this paper will attempt to define the complex culture, geography, military history, and weather effects on the culture. With the complexity of Syria’s culture, we could write a ten-page paper on culture alone, and still be wanting. Culture is defined as “the beliefs, customs,…
The country of Syria is a very typical Middle Eastern country that is bordered by Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and Iraq. Not only is it bordered by these countries but also contains many water sources such as, Lake Al-Assad, Khabur River, Euphrates River, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Sea of Galilee. Syria’s climate characteristics are that it’s mostly desert; also hot, dry sunny summers, but also consisting of mild, rainy winters along the coast. Also, cold weather with snow or sleet periodically…
should attack Syria. Syria is country that is, and has been in turmoil ever since. An article published by the BBC, in the Middle East reported that the crisis in Syria, started in 2011 with the uprising of the Syrian people against the Syrian government. The article reported, “By July 2011, hundreds of thousands were taking to the streets across the country.” The Syrian government was headed by president Bashar Al-Assad at the time. Assad ordered his military to open fire on the protesters. The…
The mounting civilian casualties in Syria and the displacement of over 6 million Syrians –with prospects of both more casualties and more displacement – make this the most daunting humanitarian crisis facing the world today. Syria is a West Asian country, a region in which the Muslim populace predominates. The problems in Syria began in 2011 as a peaceful protest but quickly rose into an armed civil conflict which has cost the lives of 100,000 people and forced over two million to flee to the…
This historical analysis will define the influence of the French mandate in the development of socialism in Syria through European education and development of the League of Nationalist Action (LNA) and the Ba’ath Party in the nationalist movements of the 1930s and 1940s. The rise of socialism in Syria was primarily organized by young men that sought a modern nationalist platform through the LNA in the 1930s. The fervent nationalism against the French mandate provided a conceptualization of…
Syria is a country in Western Asia, the absolute location is 33.5000oN, 36.3000oE. Syria is borders Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq on the east and Jordan to the south. The population of Syria today is 22,087,048. Syria considers their government to be a republic government. Their government consists of an executive, legislative, and judicial branch. When leaders are getting elected, the president is elected by the popular vote, then the president…
tear apart everything you know and love. If you remain here you will die, but if you take action and leave you will suffer. These are the choices the people in Syria had to face. In the same manner, Syrian refugees are forced out of their homes to avoid the threat of chemical attacks authorized by the dictator of Syria. Although the U.S. is focusing most of their attention on eradicating Syria’s chemical weapons, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t help those who suffered from these attacks. Although…
The name Syria was given to the country by the Greeks and Romans and has been told it comes from the Babylonian word “suri”. Syrians refer to Syria and surrounding large areas as Sham, which means “the northern region, and it was known as the Sham until the twentieth century. The culture of the Syrians is their own culture that they were practicing in their indigenous place culture includes ideals, values, arts, traditions, customs, beliefs and innovations that were developed both locally and…
Understanding Syria Background President: Bashar al-Assad: Elected. Assad overtook his father as president, but his father had seized power in a coup. Capital: Damascus To understand Syria is to recognise a highly divided country. Ethnic groups and their religious practices are diverse. Islam is primarily divided into two denominations within Syria, Shia, and Sunni. Sunni Muslims make up the majority of the population. Much of the government practice a branch of Shia Islam and are called…
War in Syria DBQ Essay The current death toll in syria is 470,000 or 250,000 people due to the civil war and those numbers are growing as this war goes on. The war began by the syrian government arresting and torturing teenagers for placing anti government graffiti on walls, and the syrian people were at their last straw and started to confront their government about its corruption. War is a terrible thing, but should the world be getting involved in this conflict. Let…