2.2 Previous Studies Previously, some of the research has already done by some researchers regarding the stereotype, whether it is on the animation movie or popular films and television. These researchers will be also used as a reference in this research. First is from Brewer (2009), the researcher analyzed about the stereotypic women portrayals in the slasher movies between 16 totals of the slasher films, 8 of original films and 8 of the remake films. The researcher found that there are a slight changes of portrayal of females in slasher films, which is the portrayal of women are more masculine and aggressive in some circumstances and in the usual time, the characters keep maintain the classic stereotypes. Then, Donofrio (2013) has also conducted…
Films are universally known to generalize individuals especially in relation to their gender. Though they contain different themes, movies follow a similar pattern; the beautiful, innocent woman is recused by an attractive, strong male. In Carol J. Clover’s article, “Her Body, Himself: Gender in the Slasher Film”, she explores a new emerging pattern in horror cinema where the woman herself becomes the hero. Clover’s purpose in writing her article is to help her audience become familiar with the…
Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock introduced an important kind of movie, the slasher film, to America in 1968. Notably, there is a really good background to the film. In fact, it had lots of facts the world would be dying to know. Next, it has a bunch of effects that I was shocked once I had heard. In all, Psycho is a pretty good movie in general. This movie Psycho was created in the 1960s and then later on it was copied and re-written to a more famous version of 1998. Foremost, Alfred referred…
convey reality. As much as it captivates us, it's fabricated and inauthentic. And yet, those stipulations are what make art so enjoyable. Every character, story or image suspends us from the real world. They offer an escape from the guidelines of our existence that ground us. And in doing so, they take our expectations for a ride. In particular, the medium of film has limitless potential. It builds audience investment and leaves lasting impressions that few other arts can. And above all else, it…
Onibaba: Art Film or Prestige Horror? What is or is not horror is defined by the viewer, and with that perspective, it is within my role as the viewer to declare Onibaba, prestige art film, a horror film as well. In the Kawin reading, we are told that "bad horror" is a "spectacle", full of meaningless death and gore, with no investment required by the viewer, or greater message to provide (325). "Good horror" guides the viewer to psychological understanding of human nature and teaches us…
The basic structure of this research was pop culture analysis; I would watch three slasher films and observe certain elements within the film in order to infer how they represented society 's values. In order to observe the cultural phenomenon of the slasher film in its purest form, I selected three slasher films from the genre 's early days of popularity. This was to ensure that I was getting an accurate representation of a slasher film before the genre was parodied and exploited. Many…
Michael Powell’s Peeping Tom (1960) is a pseudo snuff film centred on the act of voyeurism. Although, Peeping Tom predates the horror subgenre, slashers, it still upholds the psychosexual elements that reside in such films (Clover). Released in the same year as Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960), Peeping Tom can be cited as the aforementioned British equivalent, as the male central characters seem to share sadistic and psychopathic qualities. This film proves to be a self-reflexive metafilm as it…
The slasher film to some viewers has been written off and categorized as a film not worth watching. Typically viewers decide that this genre may be too violent, graphic, or misogynistic. However, slasher films, like many horror movies, may offer a commentary on society or the human condition. An approach to understanding such films is through the concept of the ‘abject’. It is the disturbance of boundaries that threaten things such as an individual’s identity or societal order Abjection…
Introduction Look around you, does where you are look uniformly ominous. Are you being chased by an unusually powerful or intelligent being. Well congratulations! You are in a horror film! It may not sound that great because it is not. You are probably going to die, but if you read this guide you might not. So let’s get started! The most important thing I could tell anyone in your situation right now is “don’t be stupid”. It has been said in so many television shows and movies. “Dont go in there…
most sought after scripts in Hollywood. These types of films have a built in fan base and are generally considered to be a low risk investment compared to high concept action movies or dramatic period pieces. Think about movies like Paranormal Activity or The Blair Witch Project. Paranormal Activity cost a mere $15,000 to make but raked in over $193 million dollars in profit worldwide. The Blair Witch Project cost a total of $60,000 to make and made $248 million dollars in profit worldwide.…