Jake Parson’s mother called it the magic hour: the moment when a day passes into evening, when the earth feels suspended before darkness and slumber. In the gold and reddening light, an easy southwest breeze propelled Jake’s thirty-five-foot sailboat through the Beaufort Inlet for the first time. As he navigated through the channel, he heard the cries of distant seagulls. It was the first land animal he’d heard in days. The last low rays of the sun illuminated the white church steeple and the sails of a windmill on the horizon. Jake used the steeple to site his course though the channel. The current strengthened when the waterway narrowed, but he held fast to the tiller. A few minutes later, a tiny line of houses and stores came into view.…
to teach you something that all pirates would have known. What is Tacking, and how does it apply to sailing? And no, it is not what the RA’s gave me during room checks the other day. (At This point I will reference the slide that I have on the board. RB means I will be referencing the board during this time) If there is one thing about sailing that you should know, it is you cannot sail into the wind (RB), Physics does not allow it. When you try to sail into the wind the sails flap like crazy…
Over the years, children have done unusual things, such as flying a plane at the age of seven. Abby Sunderland had attempted to sail around the world solo at the age of sixteen. While she was sailing, she got caught in a storm and sent an emergency signal to rescue her. This caused a controversy among the media on whether Abby was too young to sail. Abby was fully capable of sailing the world solo mainly because of her legal rights, as well as her experience and passion. Since there was no…
travel to Park City, Utah for a weekend to compete in a regatta there. This fall CSC started a high school race team, I now drive down to Denver from Fort Collins to practice three days a week. Sailing naturally is a very expensive sport from getting the boat to buying the equipment you need to be successful. Because Colorado is not a state that is big into sailing, traveling is a big part of the sport so we can compete against other sailors. If I was to be given the scholarship I would put it…
The Hames Center will implement the SAIL Program as a regular addition to our permanent schedule. This evidence-based program aligns with the DHSS’s priority to to promote health and wellness across lifespans, as this programs addresses older adults and will benefit family and caregivers. It supports the department 's core service and objective to protect, promote and improve the health status of Alaskans by providing direct health services to the senior population in Sitka, AK. Services will…
it is a very difficult task. Furthermore, teens should not be allowed to go boating without an adult because it is unpredictable. Whether you are in the ocean or on land, boating is unpredictable. In the video “Coast Guard Discovers Missing Teens’ Empty Boat Off Florida Coast” Stephen Lehmann (a coast guard) said “The water can be a very unpredictable place and we’ve seen some very strange things.” A lot of people may argue that the unpredictableness of boating is what makes it fun. If you're…
When I first came to Full Sail I started off as a recording arts student, I honestly did not know exactly everything that was involved into recording arts itself, however, I knew that I wanted to be able to record and mix, I am also a musician, which, might have also been another reason why I felt so interested in recording arts at the beginning. After my sixth or seventh month in my degree, I started to question myself and think a lot more precise about what I wanted to do after I graduate and…
As all things in life, there is always a beginning. I was first introduced to Full Sail University in 2012. One of my associates mentioned to me he was attending in the fall of 2012. At that time, I lived in New Brunswick, New Jersey. I was attending DeVry University for Multimedia Graphic & Development. I left DeVry University upon finding out my financial aid was displaced due to a class schedule issue. Nonetheless, I moved back to Plano, Texas to where my mother was living at the time. Making…
The implications given to us in primary school about high school refutes the idea that high school is a breeze, in fact it is way more interactive then presumed. As a younger sibling I have always been in the know from the information given to me by my older siblings. My sister introduced the society to me when she was a senior and when I was a sophomore . I took interest in NHS when I saw it as an opportunity to motivate me to strive for more than just average, from my grades to the person I…
The Stories That Sail In my young age, I always heard stories from my father. From the boring, old “When I was your age...” ones, and to the great exciting ones. These stories sailed through my mind like ships on endless voyages and they were my favorite, often about my grandparents. They would play dangerous games that my parents would not think of letting me wrap my mind around today. My most favorite ones involved my grandparents in their lives before they came to California. My…