The short extract from ‘Smoke, lilies and Jade’ by Richard Bruce Nugent is from a Bildungsroman play foretelling the plight of Alex - a 19-year-old, black, male facing internal conflicts and confusion in regards to his sexuality. Therefore, taking this context into consideration, the extract naturally issues an underlying, thematic patterning of fragmentation, uncertainty, and tension. From a close reading, these themes spill out through the content, the form, as well as the diction. In more specific terms, it is achieved through literary and stylistic devices in the following ways; an abstract stream of consciousness disfigured shifts between time and setting, the disparity between an exterior and interior dialogue, and finally, the rebellious…
Since many children put forward their view and some children were not given the chance to speak I let everyone say what activity they would like to do and gave everyone a chance to speak. I did this by asking one of the staff members for a teddy bear which we could use to learn how to turn take. All the children were seated on the carpet in a circle, where I told them that they had to listen to the views of all the service users and respect them if they wanted to be listened to and respected as…
Why is Cyber Security a rising priority? Cyber security has always been a huge concern ever since the internet came out. There are 3 main branches of Cyber Security: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Accessibility. Every cybercrime out there violates one of these branches. Confidentiality deals with information that isn’t accessible to the public, Integrity deals with information that has been altered, and Accessibility deals with something being able to access. The first…
Carry On is a good source of knowledge that gave deep information in the sense of security, it is a great help for readers who are in different fields other than information security. Bruce Schneier has very intimate knowledge about the topic of security. After reading the book we can find the vast information in different ways. The psychology of security is the chapter that is beautiful and meaningful and provides experimental information to the reader, Bruce relates the human mindset and human…
Sherlock Holmes is a detective hero of all times, a fictional character who is more famous than his creator Arthur Conan Doyle. The Scottish author Doyle wrote one of his well-known novel “The Sing of Four starring” the unique and detailed character Sherlock Holmes. Although Doyle has never been a colonist nor his character Holmes, the novel presents the idea of the British empire and its power along with the danger of colonized India and its people through Victorian perspective. I shall start…
entertainers are no different and there is one specific icon who has influenced the entertainment world in various ways: Bruce Lee. Known for his martial arts films, Bruce Lee has displayed…
The story “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” by Sir Conan Doyl features Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Helen Stoner, and Dr. Roylott trying to solve a mystery. The story takes place at Stoke Moran, Dr. Ryolott’s mansion, in April, 1883. Helen Stoner visits Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson to see if the detectives could solve her case. Helen tells Sherlock that her sister, Julia, died before she was married and now Helen fears that she could possibly die the same way. Helen does not know what had…
Kylie: A Jenner(ally) Misrepresented Young Woman Kylie Jenner is an American reality television personality, socialite, and model. She is the youngest daughter of 1976 Summer Olympics decathlon winner Caitlyn Jenner (born Bruce) and TV personality Kris Jenner. Time magazine named her in “The 25 Most Influential Teens of 2014” for her considerable influence among teens on social media and the following year for “The 30 Most Influential Teens of 2015”. I picked Kylie Jenner because she is known…
Now that Khloe Kardashian is staying by Lamar Odom's side during his hard time, word is that she is planning on taking a break from Keeping Up With the Kardashians. According to Radar Online, Khloe wants this time to focus on Lamar and that will mean not being on the show for a bit. Lamar was found unconscious at a Las Vegas brothel and ever since then Khloe has been by his side even riding with him in a helicopter to get him back to Los Angeles. Sources say that Khloe Kardashian told her mom…
felt like I was taking the literal exam even though it wasn’t. To be honest when I first had my Blue belt I did not believe that it was important to me whether I received my black belt or not. To me it felt just like being only promoted to another rank. Although when I learned what is required to be a Black Belt and the exams I needed to test for in order to receive it, not only that, I knew how important it meant to me, my father and mother as well since they encouraged me to join Tang Soo Do,…