Many scientists such as Stanley Milgram, Erich Fromm, Lee Ross and Richard E. Nisbett have tested their theory of obedience to authority. Their findings might frighten people on how obedient people are and what the sick and twisted things people will do. An example of obedience to authority is the writing of this paper for Doctor Campbell, if not done properly with obedience the grade of the student will plummet. Another example of people listening to orders given by an authoritarian person that inflicted pain, suffering, and even death is the Holocaust; the Holocaust was set up by Adolf Hitler and Nazi officers in concentration camps. The Nazi officers were told to run these concentration camps filled with innocent people and to exterminate…
George Orwell, a masterful orator, supplies an interesting quote that can be interpreted as the informal prompt that inspired The Geography of Thought: How Asians and Westerners Think Differently...and Why. Richard Nisbett’s psychological and philosophical analysis in The Geography of Thought, is Nisbett’s way of “pushing the world in a certain direction” as he examines the pros and cons, of two very different societies: Asian and Western. Nisbett’s purpose is to examine why the world behaves…
“Richard Cory”, written by Edwin Arlington Robinson, portrays a man’s life story only through the effect of his personality upon those who admire him. The poem is separated into four stanzas, each unfolding a different aspect of the protagonist’s life represented by the townspeople. This poem is devoid of almost any literary elements and figurative language; however, the words themselves still have resonance. By formulating assumptions and opinions of how the other half lives, the “people on the…
town as appearance-based, a place full of people who only care about a spotless reputation and how the rest of the world sees them. The first textual example is “a mean town, a hard, stingy town,” where the author is referring to the deeper description of Hadleyburg. The narrator uses this quote to explain how Hadleyburg may seem like an utterly perfect community with core values and strong morals, but underneath they only care about the way they look and how to keep a chaste name. The second…
In 1831, at the age of twelve, Walt Whitman began working for his local newspaper. He soon fell in love with the written word and started writing his own poetry (“Poet Walt Whitman”). Fast forward to the turn of the 20th century, and Whitman has already made a name for himself as one of America’s most influential poets. Two of Whitman’s most esteemed works are “O Captain! My Captain!”, written in 1865 to reflect on Abraham Lincoln's death, and “O Me! O Life!”, written in 1891 to contemplate…
Throughout history, human civilizations have been built on conforming to social norms. Likewise, there have always been individuals, throughout history, who have ventured outside of those norms, many times to the dismay or even apathy of their respectively societies. E.E. Cummings’ “anyone lived in a pretty how town,” is perfect example of how individualism is viewed in a conformist society, as well as sheds light on the poet’s own views of conformity. Although conforming to social norms is how…
poems written with incorrect spelling and punctuation? Then you would be thinking about E. E. Cummings! E. E. Cummings was birthed upon the world as Edward Estlin Cummings in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1894. He developed a unique style of writing at an early age, being influenced by both Impressionism and Cubism, and grew up to study at Harvard University. The poet would become a famous writer, but while he was alive, his work was mostly left unnoticed because of his different direction when it…
How do we determine if love changes someone or not? In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and in “anyone live in a pretty how town” by E.E. Cummings, the authors use motifs, imagery, and symbolism to show how love can shape an individual change. Throughout the novel Gatsby has changed for Daisy because he is in love with her and in the poem the speaker anyone changed because noone showed him love . In the novel, Fitzgerald uses symbolism to represent a deeper meaning. Some…
Love and death are very meaningful to humans. Love and death are eternal, above and beyond physical entities, and extremely powerful. The poems “Death be not proud,” by John Donne, and “somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond,” by E.E. Cummings are poems about love. “To My Dear and Loving Husband,” by Anne Bradstreet, and “Because I could not stop for Death,” by Emily Dickinson are poems that explain death. Donne, Cummings, Bradstreet, and Dickinson have poems that relate death and love.…
The life of Mr. Ezzard Who is Mr. Ezzard ? I believe he is a nice man who enjoys writing and traveling far and wide. He himself has been to many places and wrote a lot, especially in his travel journals. He has done enough to fill a boring life a thousand times over, and I have recently sat down with him to learn more about him. Even when just walking into his room to interview him, I see untold treasures on the walls that prove that writing means the universe to him. Mr. Ezzard always had a…