For this essay I have chosen to discuss the work created by Vivienne Westwood and the influences of fashions she had on society. I will be primarily focusing the body of my essay on Westwood’s earlier years throughout her career, although I will be contrasting the change in her style with one of her later collections, then overviewing how these influenced fashion. Throughout the body of this essay I will addressing factors such as the fifties rival; discussing the opening of Westwood’s first boutique ‘Let It Rock’ and her earlier works with Malcolm McLaren, her musical influences and the impact they had on her and finally, discussing a collection of a later date stating the imact that had upon society. From extensive research I can clearly see that Westwood’s aspiring love for creating fashion came from an early age, upon influence from both of her mother and father both being in the fashion industry. This was made clear to me in a quote from a book entitled ‘Vivienne Westwood’ stated : “Mother was a cotton weaver (lover for Harrison tweed) fathers family shoemakers very working class family, in her work references to traditional uniform, ethnic inspirations and traditional femininity. Moved to harrow London 1950 sold and enjoyed making jewellery portobella road, jelwllery still important today (v&a exhibition tiaras march-july2002)” Due to the early exposure of fashion production and marketing, you can see why she would grow to become a huge part of the fashion industry.…
In the book The Inferno by Dante Alighieri, the author himself is the protagonist of his own poem where he travels inside hell with a companion named Virgil. Dante travels downwards the center where he passes “circles” that represents the different type of floors with different sins. As they go downward, the sins become worse for each circle until they reach where Satan is located where everything is frozen and surrounded by ice, unlike the imagery of hell in the bible where everything is…
Shakespeare’s Richard III, the concept of the devil portraying in Richard’s life remains strongly known throughout the book. The controversial ideas related to the devil in the play, distinguish how diabolical features sustain in people and how affects impact others. Primarily, Richard achieves evilness in the play, but does not remain unstoppable. John Milton’s demonic epic poem Paradise Lost, provides readers with demons and evilness between specific characters. Heaven and hell or god and…
I agree with Marilyn McCord Adams’ assertion that Hell is a bigger problem than evil. For the purposes of this essay, “Hell” will refer to the fire and brimstone or “Traditional Hell” (Adams, p. 276). Adams’ position will be elaborated upon by first discussing the non-fatalistic aspects of the problem of evil. Next, her position will be strengthened by inspecting Richard Swinburne’s theodicies. Lastly, an examination of Adams’ discussion on human agency will support her view that Hell is a…
accomplishing whatever they want; not even their conscious and sense of moral. In his opinion piece "Republican Fausts" , David Brooks is successful in his attempt to persuade his Republican colleagues that they have the responsibility to stop Trump and his administration through his use of logos, allusion and rhetorical context. David Brooks refers to the Republicans as “Fausts”, repeatedly throughout the article as well with calling their relationship with Trump “Faustian.” Faust is…
authority figure. Indoctrination, groupthink, and obedience are common psychological aspects within cults that perform notorious acts that often end in tragedy. A less known but still infamous cult, known as the Vampire Clan, also displays aspects of indoctrination, groupthink, and obedience. In 1996, a 16 year old boy identified as Rod Ferrell created the Vampire Clan, as he believed he himself was a 500 year old Vampire, named Vesago (ViralNova, 1). The Vampire Clan was first seen as a normal…
The Divine Comedy is a three part series, written by Dante Alighieri, which describes the frustrations he felt, while in exile, pertaining to Florentine politics. The first part in the series, The Inferno, depicts Dante’s pilgrimage into the underworld of Hell. The epic describes Dante’s descent in an attempt to get back on a spiritual path. The Inferno was created with the purpose of telling the politics of Florence and combining ideas of Pagan and Greek religion (“Literary Background”).…
At times, the question of interest in our minds is, where do we go in our afterlives? It is quite reasonable to say that many people have different convictions of where death will take them. Specifically, christians believe that there is a heaven and a hell and depending on how they carry out the Great Commission will determine their fate. Alluding to a part of the Divine Comedy, Inferno, by Dante Alighieri, it is illustrated to the readers in this poem that people who have partaken in a certain…
“Four Views on Hell” is a book that consist of four different views on hell, as obviously stated by the title. The four views are: eternal conscious torment, terminal punishment, universalist view, and hell and purgatory. Four different authors contributed to the book: Denny Burk, John G. Stackhouse Jr., Robin A. Parry, and Jerry L. Walls. Denny Burk is an associates pastor at Kenwood Baptist Church and a Professor of Biblical Studies at Boyce College. John Stackhouse Jr. is a public…
of Hell, a Hell of Heaven.” This suggests that each individual has the power to change their mindset on a situation, which can be translated to the present in an overwhelming amount of ways. At one point or another, nearly everybody has been told less is more. Of course, many people associate this with how much dressing they put on their salad or something of that sort, superficial -- not thinking about how it can apply to lifestyles. The culture shock one experiences in a poorer country…