independence. Presiding in the learning community of Alvarez Hall forged me into the person I am today. Encountering a mixture of individuals with different sets of personalities and beliefs, allowed me to appreciate the culture and diversity the housing provides in order to cultivate the young minds of the future generation. The Resident Assistant position offers an exceptional opportunity to provide a direct impact to the students. In that manner, they serve as the role models and leaders of their floor. They deliver the value and culture of what the university has to offer.…
As a Resident Assistant, I can expect to be confronted with at least a few incidents on a given weekend night. Although these incidents are often unpredictable in the sense that no two incidents are entirely alike, there are some general assumptions I can make before confronting the incident. One of the strongest assumptions allows me to hypothesize the trajectory of the incident based on the genders of the individuals involved. Based on my experience as a Resident Assistant, incidents involving…
Question 1: a) Please indicate what attracted you to this post? What attracted me most about the position of a Resident Assistant was the opportunity to help other students with the difficulties of university life which I experienced myself. Although Edinburgh is not a large city, it was still difficult for me to adapt to this new lifestyle. Wouldn’t have it been for my Residents Assistants, it would have been far more challenging for me. Now that I am given the opportunity to do the same for…
housing, gender-inclusive housing, and standard co-educational, non-thematic options. Regardless of a student’s housing selection, the student will live in a community that is maintained by Resident Assistants. Depending on the housing configuration, an on-campus student, referred to as a resident, will have either a Resident Assistant on her/his floor, or one Resident Assistant for the entire building. The role of a Resident Assistant at the University of Connecticut is…
On Tuesday, August, 23, 2016 at approximately 07:00 PM, resident Ung Gi Koh came and asked Resident Assistant (RA) Todd McKinney about a "awkward situation" of how to carry unique, and possibly embarrassing personal items over to University Gates Apartments. RA McKinney suggested putting it in his suitcase that resident Koh had lying on the floor. Resident Koh liked the idea and took RA McKinney 's idea. At approximately 7:15 PM, resident Koh returned from his journey with the suitcase and…
For the past two years, I have served as a Resident Assistant and Student Ambassador to the Admissions Office. It has been an honor to be a student leader on campus. Acting as a Resident Assistant has given me several different qualities employers look for. I have learned about group dynamics, communication, time management, organization, and various other life skills. Giving tours in the Admissions Office has allowed me to develop and improve my public speaking skills; making me more…
I have a great ability for working in large groups to complete projects. Organizations that I’ve been involved with include the Student Judicial Board ’05-’06, Leadershape ’06-’07, McLean Residential Committee ’07-’08, and Residential Life as a Resident Assistant for Fall 2008. My special talents are as an undergraduate researcher from the spring of 2008 until the fall of 2008. I also achieved the Dean’s List in the fall of 2006 and the President’s List in the spring of 2007 both at North…
One strength that I have that will help me become a successful Resident Assistant is the ability to communicate in many diverse situations. This would help me prosper as a Resident Assistant because communication is very important when it comes to working with people. Being able to get your message across clearly and efficiently is essential when being a leader to a group of students. A Resident Assistant must be able to communicate his or her rules and expectations for the year in a way that…
requirements and duties of a resident assistant, I started to look into it and realized that my personality really did fit with this job. In my opinion though, being a resident assistant would not even be seen as a job because I would enjoy it very much. During the end of September, I approached my resident assistant with all of my questions about trying to get this position. She quickly brought up EDHI 200 and tips to make sure I would succeed in this class. I soon found out, I would be…
On October 18, 2016, the Office of Residential Life sponsored their first RA information meeting of the year. Nearly 100 students gathered to learn about the responsibilities and benefits of becoming a resident assistant for the next school year. The meeting was the first step towards the RA application process, as well as an opportunity to meet other student leaders. The event contained a PowerPoint presentation, personal testimonies, a meet and greet session with current RAs, and light…