reproducing. Angiosperms use pollen vectors such as insects, mammals, birds, wind, and even water to deliver their pollen grains to stigmas. The plant of study for this experiment was Mimulus guttatus, also known as the monkeyflower. This plant produces yellow flowers that are bilaterally symmetrical and have five petals. Interestingly, their petals are fused together and contain the anthers and stigma, the reproductive parts of the plant. This morphology makes this species cosexual, so each individual flower contains both male and female parts. Since M. guttatus is hermaphroditic, it is considered herkogamous, which…
brown, cylindrical in shape with stiff barbed bristles that extend from the top of the fruit. Through the process of sexual reproduction angiosperm are able to produce fertile offspring’s that can produce seeds. The flowers reproductive systems produce megaspores that are the female gametophyte and microspores (male gametophyte). Within the flowers sexual organs, the microsporangium within the anther contains microsporocytes that divide by meiosis to produce microspores (Reece 2014). The…
root tip. Root tip has root hairs, and root cap. The roots have a brownish tint to them. The root comes in random of sizes and placements. The functions of the roots are to anchor and support plants (Plant Structures: Stems, CMG GardenNotes). The root can absorb and conduct water minerals and also store products of photosynthesis (carbohydrates, sugars, proteins). This is the reason why plants can survival though the winter (Plant Structures: Roots, CMG GardenNotes). In a flowering plants…
used this site I am going to look at methods used in landscape archaeology, environmental archaeology and geoarchaeology such as pollen and soil studies, LIDAR, Excavating and methods of Remote sensing. I will show how we use these methods to find out which would the most suitable to learn about the past environment that the ancient societies lived in. Figure…
Does Weather have an Effect on Pollinator Visitation Rates: A Study on Bougainvilleas and their Pollinators Introduction: Pollination is the process by which pollen, is transported to the reproductive organs of female seed plants. Pollen is a fine, grainy substance, which are the gametophytes of male seed plants, and produce sperm cells. Pollination is what allows most plants to fertilize one another and reproduce. Pollination is important because many plants that humans consume, reproduce…
cost of producing excess pollen and nectar to attract pollinators. Pollinators are interested in maximizing their return on investment on pollen and sugary nectar, while minimizing the cost of foraging. Modifying a particular trait, (the number of flower displays of a flowering plant) allowed the pollinator and flower to be better studied. Interested in replicating other studies and determining if the number of flower displays and number of visitors (pollinators) was positively correlated was…
Bees are amazing creatures and there are many health benefits to the bee pollen they collect, these amazing creatures are a huge part of the environment and without them we would be lost. Bee pollen contains a large amount of anti-oxidants and when they return to the hive they are providing the other bees with a huge source of protein for them to live from. The pollen is higher in protein than a great deal of other food sources and is incredibly good for you. The pollen is collected on the…
Name Vaxi Chokshi Biology 102 Section 002 RL Kingdom Fungi Homework Date 3-20-2015 A. Identify the unknown Fungi specimens: Unknown A Rhizopus stolonifer Unknown B Aspergillus niger Unknown C Penicillium notatum Unknown D________________________________________ B. Type the answer the following questions. (20 pts. each) Remember to include a citation after each question (author, year) and a full citation in the literature cited section at the end of the report. If you…
From being named on Time Magazine’s top 100 Most Influential People in 2010 to writing many books about food and eating Michael Pollen goes on to explain how to escape the Western Diet in his essay “Escape from the Western Diet”. Pollen points out how the food and health industries impact peoples diets, how to escape the Western Diet and the 3 rules he proposes. Pollen has many great points but lacks convincing evidence in many of his arguments. Although Michael Pollen lacks some strong evidence…
However, with almost every mutualism there are ‘cheaters’ that will try to take advantage of the benefits without bringing anything to the table. In this case, pollen-free fig wasps will lay their eggs in the fig tree’s flowers effectively rendering the syconium useless in terms of reproduction for the tree: turning a mutual relationship into a parasitic one. To combat these ‘cheaters,’ host plants can sanction the affected part of the plant in order to minimize the resources lost. The results…