Bike trail (Location #1) next to Guy west bridge and a Secluded Area (Location #2) that is about 50 ft off from the bike trail and is approximately 200m from location #1. Location #1 was positioned at 38 33’ 49” N 121 25’ 10”W and Location #2 was located at 38 33’ 42” N 121 25’ 2” W. The two sites experience Mediterranean and semiarid climate with riparian vegetation. Data was collected through October 2014. Telegraph Weed, Heterotheca grandiflora is a perennial plant that is native to California. Telegraph Weed is one of the few plants that blooms in the fall and giving the best opportunity to study flower number and pollinators …show more content…
Location #1, 10am and 3pm, and Location #2 10am and 3pm. During each time frame, 5 trials was conducted. 10 trails per location and 20 trials total. Telegraph weed comes in many different heights and number of flower displays. Manipulation of three plants in each location was done in order to display the correct number of flower displays. Three display categories were formed, small, medium and large. Small was 5, medium was 10 and large was 20 flowering displays. Displays that were fully flowering were kept and any partial displays were removed in order to be consistent as possible through all trials. Each trial was conducted for a complete 30 minutes. The number of landings by pollinators was collected through each trial. A landing was considered to be a pollinator landing on the telegraph weed, No minimal interaction time was assigned that needed to be met by the