Oxysporum is described as having no sexual stage. More recent studies have sought to piece together the genetic relatedness between different Vegetative Compatibility Groups, or VCGs, of F. Oxysporum. VCGs are exclusive networks of fungal strains capable of heterokaryosis via the fusion of somatic nuclei, and their interactions are the primary mode of genetic recombination in F. Oxysporum (Fourie et al. 2009). It has been postulated that heterokaryosis is the mechanism through which virulence is conferred. To shed insight on these speculations, Fourie et al. compiled even more comprehensive phylogenetic trees using the same loci from O’donnell et al.’s studies, in addition to another rRNA locus and a mitochondrial DNA locus, for 70 F. Oxysporum isolates representing 20 VCGs; regional data was also noted (Fourie et al. Table 1.) The phylogenetic trees, which were compiled according to the criteria of maximum parsimony, Bayesian inference, and maximum likelihood were congruent to those of O’donnell et al., but displayed even more diversity in Foc, showing the same two distinct clades, albeit with a total of 8 distinct lineages. The three additional lineages contained strains which had evolved independently in different regions, with some including different formae specialis entirely. For example, Isolate CAV 1020 represented a new Foc VCG from Vietnam, though it was shown to be more related to non-pathogenic isolates than to pathogenic Foc VCGs (Fourie et…
Biologists have been faced with a difficult task that consists of determining the phylogenetic position of the perplexing phyla known as Chaetognatha. The phyla Chaetognatha are well known bilateral symmetrical metazoans that are small in size. Their relationship to the metazoan community has been strongly disputed due to their embryological and morphological structures that are related to the two main branches of Bilateria: protostomes and deuterostomes. The Chaetognatha phyla have not been…
Garcinia L. is a pantropically distributed genus with high species richness in south East Asia, and composed of 240 woody tree species. In India the genus represented by 36 species including 6 endemic to Western Ghats only. For Genus Garcinia Western Ghats is considered as secondary center for origin (Abraham et al. 2006). It includes G. indica (Thouars) Choisy, G. gummi-gutta (L.) Robs., G. hombroniana Pierre and G. xanthochymus Hook.f. ex Anders that provide important resources in Indian…
Adults aren 't the only ones who are affected by poverty. Children are affected in ways that aren 't seen by everyone. Every day a child goes to school they have to live with the fact that their family is struggling. Children are smarter than what adults think and they know when they are different than the majority of their classmates. From the clothes they wear to the food they eat, children know. Most children who have lived in poverty their whole life know no different, the ones who came from…
When thinking of a tree, it is easy to imagine a strong plant, established firmly into the soil, with a thick substantial trunk and vast outreaching branches. However, what does not typically come to mind is a scrawny seedling, with its new roots hardly ingrained into the soil. One with a toothpick of a trunk that is struggling to support itself. The fact of the matter is that every tremendous tree started as a measly sapling, but not every sapling is able to grow into a tree. The forest can be…
One fall day, on a cool, crisp morning it was quiet enough to hear an acorn fall from the trees, making a soft plunk plunk sound on a nearby leaf. My family and I journeyed out into the deep muddy woods that was sparkling from the way the sun was hitting the fresh dew. The sun was reflecting off our Ranger just right to make it look a sparkly, vibrant shade of red. We were driving on bumpy, muddy trails to check the trail cameras, which were hanging on the trees with a strap and a bright…
Deforestation is Linked to Tiger’s Heading Towards Extinction We have all heard about the beauty of a rain forest and the majestic animals that hide in the shadows, perched in monstrous trees are chirping colorful birds, while basking in the sunlight. The rain forest holds many homes to beautiful and almost forgotten animals such as Tiger’s who are on a brink of extinction. Also, the beautiful trees are producing clean air for everything to live healthier because they are part of carbon…
I took a step. Beams of light blinded my eyes as the dense foliage above me turned into ochre as they descended from the autumnal boughs of the sycamore tree. The trees aligned themselves in front of me and began to undress themselves as their leaves pirouetted gracefully towards the ground. The gentle wind fanned my skin as it rushed to hug my legs, acting like a magnet to the hairs of my face. The dewy smell of yesterday’s rain embraced the grass; the leaves kissed the soles of my feet as a…
The Effects On Deforestation On People In South America Deforestation in South America has lots of different effects on many different things like animals, people, and the world. It doesn’t just affect that specific place, if affects the world. Most fruit and cereals we buy come from tropical places that are being cut down and someday soon we are going to really feel the consequences and it’s going to hurt. The place that is currently the worst is South America. We get so many foods are…
This was repeated for soil, rock, tree, False Brome, etc. for complete analysis. If this was a pull plot, False Brome was pulled within the quadrat and the surrounding area. If this was a pull plot, the steps for determining coverage of plants were repeated. At the corners of the quadrat, tree density was measured by finding the nearest sapling and tree in the direction of the quadrat corner. Using the DBH tape, diameter of the trees and saplings were recorded and tree species was recorded. This…