plague comes via fleas or from contact with body infected by plague and spreads through the blood stream Pneumonic plague is the most infectious type; it is when the disease passes from person to another through airborne droplets coughed from the lungs. It kills about 50 percent of those it infects. The Black plague has three major plague pandemics. The Justinian Plague, the Great Plague and the Modern Plague. The Justinian plague is the first pandemic that has been recorded, it was named after the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. The plague began in 541 A.D. and killed more than 25 million people and spread around the Mediterranean. The great plague or the Black Death as it is known…
thriving even after the loss of millions of lives. Mandel also demonstrates how these characters’ attempt to hold on to past artifacts as a way of connecting with what the world had once been. This allows the reader to make connections to how the world pre-collapse has shaped the world that resulted from the pandemic. Emily St. John Mandel develops the message that before and after the apocalypse humans continue to have the same basic human and social…
The influenza virus was infecting its hosts long before the discovery of viruses in the late 1800’s. The longevity of the virus can be attributed to its ability to quickly mutate its genome, which consists of only eight negative-sense RNA segments. These small mutations allow the virus to rapidly evolve. In fact, approximately every twenty to thirty years the virus evolves into a “super virus” capable of causing significant pandemics (Webster, 2014). The influenza A virus is the envelope virus…
Introduction The 1918 Spanish Flu resulted in the exposure of one-third of the world’s population with an overall death estimate of 50-100 million people 1,2. In the United States, mortality rates were as high as 675,000 people representing 28% of the population2,3. The Spanish Flu affected the United States in three waves. Symptoms during the onset of Spanish Flu in March of 1918, were overall not perceived to be alarming to the American Population. Whereas during the second wave of the…
The influenza pandemic of 1918 was a devastating period in both New Zealand and world history. Cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history and responsible for more deaths than World War I, this influenza pandemic resulted in anywhere from 20 to 40 million deaths worldwide (Billings 1997:). The effect it had on New Zealand history was catastrophic, killing nearly 8,500 (Rice). Perhaps the most notable discrepancy in effect that the pandemic had on New Zealand population was…
The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics I human history, starting in Britain between 1348 to1350. The Black Death was one of the many catastrophes to happen following an increase I the population during the Middle Ages. “It killed 30-50% of the countries entire population,” said Andrew Hamilton. The lack of information about The Black Death affected the population, the spread of the disease and increased the awareness of the lack medical help. Europe’s population had been hard hit…
Avian Influenza A viruses present a unique challenge to public health as a result of their rapid evolution. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there have been five IAV pandemics, including the 1918 pandemic, which is estimated to have been responsible for 50-100 million deaths worldwide (Taubenberger & Morens, 2006). Each major influenza pandemic has been associated with the appearance of a new subtype circulating in humans. Additionally, particularly virulent pandemic strains and in…
AIDS and other Pandemics Pandemics have existed for centuries and their effects on society have changed the way people coexist, together as communities and with a disease. Every century is wracked with a new widespread pandemic that changes the structure of society and that allows people to gain and pass on knowledge for cases in the future. The major diseases that impacted the world centuries ago can shed light how society has progressed, not only in terms of technology and science but also…
The article I have chosen discusses the Spanish influenza Pandemic that occurred in 1918. This pandemic had a detrimental effect on not just a continent, but the entire world. This virus killed an estimated 20 to 50 million people and even the healthiest people were infected. The Spanish Influenza is said to have the highest death rate of the strains. The life expectancy in the United States dropped ten years during this time, due to the rising death rate in healthy young adults brought on by…
common cold or a stomach bug that will pass over in the matter of a day. Yet true influenza is a specific category of viruses that can be very dangerous and many people tend to underestimate it. When it comes to the flu there are many aspects surrounding it. This includes historical outbreaks of the virus, the causes of worldwide pandemics, and ways the virus may be prevented. There are three main types of this virus. “All three types can infect humans; however only type A can cause a pandemic.…