Delta Sigma Theta is a sorority I took keen interest in after doing some profound research. Not only is it a sorority but indeed a sisterhood. The values and driven purpose to which the sorority serves to the African American communities here at home and abroad speaks volumes. I first took an interest with pledging as a teen. I grew up in an era where the Cosby show exemplified the educated black family thus the spin off “A different world” broadcast the image of college life at an HBCU. I wanted that experience, young African Americans discussing topics affecting inner city communities while embracing the idea of becoming educated to better themselves and their communities. I too, wanted to become someone greater than my current living environment.…
Good evening, everyone. I’m Amber Smith. And I’m Caroline Vogl and we are co-presidents of the Fall 2017 pledge class. We are extremely excited to be standing before you today as the newest initiated members of Alpha Gamma Delta. *crowd cheers* It has been quite the journey from putting on our rush shirts and nervously boarding the busses to the Days Inn. Our acquaintances from Bid Day have become our cherished friends in the short amount of time that we’ve been together. We’ve grown together…
The Greek War of Independence led Greece to become an independent state from the Ottoman Empire (Turkey) in 1830. However, after the separation, the country underwent economic difficulties and government corruption. Though Greece has made great strides in reforming their political institutions and combating corruption in the last 185 years, there are still clear signs that problems are very much prevalent in today’s society. On the other hand, the northern European country Denmark greatly…
As many of you probably haven’t heard of the Divine Nine which consist of 9 different African American fraternities and sorority organizations which has been a pivotal part of African American history and culture since the early 20th century. Which are the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Phi Beta Sorority, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, and Iota Phi Theta Fraternity. In the early 1900s, African…
Can Diamonds be Girls’ Best Friend? What do you think when you think of sororities? For most people outside of the greek system you think of iconic movies such as House Bunny, Legally Blonde or Sydney White. Though these movies are entertaining, they do not accurately depict what it actually means to be in a sorority and all the benefits you can receive. I joined my sorority Alpha Delta Pi here at the University of South Carolina a little over a year ago and I can truly say it has been the best…
To join a sorority, the potential new members (PNMs) have to gain entrance into the organizations. The idea of gatekeepers is seen in sororities. This entrance revolves around the existing members give approval to the potential new members (Stuber 2011). While some sororities say that not everyone can fit into their sorority, they also claim to be diverse among themselves (Handler 1995). The process to gain entrance to a sorority is sorority recruitment, where the sororities allow new member to…
Sororities, also known as “fraternities for women” started to form in the 19th century when students began secretly meeting to discuss and deliberate material that was considered inappropriate to universities. Gamma Phi Beta was the first organization to use the title “sorority”, although there were other groups that followed similar traditions. The creation of sororities was a symbol of women putting their foot down to social customs and the opinion that they were less equal to men. This…
backstories behind the specific sports including the nature of the athletes participating. The book itself is divided up into 29 chapters all following a laxly based sequential order of events which highlights important events leading up to Roman Olympic games as well as the history behind these events and the sporting events themself. This book also includes emotional values of the events such as the athletes behind the scenes even up to the crowd their selves. The book itself is divided up…
At the beginning of my senior year, I applied to almost ten different colleges and universities – from the east coast to the west coast and basically everything in between. I remember my reaction for each and every return letter I got. The one that stood out the most was the letter from Utah State University. Out all of the acceptance letters Utah State University was the only letter that made me jump up and down, and squeal like the excited little girl I was in that moment. My reaction was not…
Academics plays a big role in the college I attend in order to have the resources needed to reach my goals. University of Arkansas is a better option academically because Arkansas provides a wide variety in resources and extras and have many degree options. One specific resource is called honors college. Honors college students enjoy a small learning environment with discussions-based classes, and specfic housing, and special access to professors, These type of classes are designed for top…