widespread racial inequality make each country within Africa a separate entity that must approach decentralization from an independent approach. African nations have many reasons to aspire to achieve decentralized government, namely efficient governance, apt service delivery, and democratization. Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa each offer unique perspectives on the successes and failures of decentralization and the capabilities of local government in providing governance and services conducive to positive human…
Two major problems that have become a menace in African leadership today is poverty and youth unemployment which is due partially to the region’s rapid people growth. It has been said that between now and 2050 Sub-Saharan African countries will be overwhelmed with a swift and rapid population increase as well as a huge population of youths in the world. It is therefore very much essential that administrations in Sub-Saharan African countries factor the mass increase coming from the next…
The history of Africa has been engulfed with exploitation, tragedy, and the slaughter of millions of people across its rich soil. The Congo, as did many other countries, struggled towards independence to break from the stronghold of the Europeans during colonization. With great courage, Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, expressed his discontent for the trickery taking place against his people. Although his position in leadership was brief, his…
deeply flawed system in terms of its democratic credentials, overwhelmingly tainted by corruption, and massively influenced by the power and personality of one man, Vladimir Putin.” Corruption is the main flaw and it is mostly prevalent in the Judicial system.…
Give rise to corruption which gets deep routed in the recipient countries. Budget of developing many developing countries such as Africa and sub urban Africa are hit hard by the rises in food and oil prices and this country has become the largest recipient of foreign aid. There are many other countries as well which are dependent on inflow of aid which they receive from the developed countries and on the other hand, these developed countries try to use the resources for self benefit from these…
Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy that emphasizes the well-being of the worker. Formally introduced by Robert Greenleaf in the 1970s, characteristics of servant leadership can be found in several religions and cultures around the world. This paper will examine evidence of servant leadership in the religion of Islam and within the culture on the African continent. Servant Leadership in the Religion of Islam Servant leadership is a management philosophy that emphasizes the well-being…
international actors on innovation is mirrored at the national level where the majority of countries in Africa have adopted relevant STI policies. The African Observatory of Science, Technology and Innovation (2013) has identified at least 37 countries out of 55 that have adopted or are developing a national innovation policy. There are many African countries that have realized the importance of innovation for economic development, poverty reduction and the attainment of the Millennium…
OPPORTUNITIES FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP In view of the significant opportunities Integrated Reporting presents for Nigeria, it becomes clear that its adoption will be invaluable to the growth and development of organisations on a micro level and the nation at a macro level. However, it is important to note that irrespective of the policy mandates which may establish Integrated Reporting as a new standard, Nigeria’s ability to harness its tremendous potential is hinged on the commitment of…
Zimbabwe State Formation & Post-Colonial Challenges David Meyers Comparative Politics Mohamed Daadaoui Essay 2 16 November 2017 According to Lakhdar Brahimi, “a Failed State is the responsibility of the people who made that State fail, and those are generally the people of that Country.” This would be an over-simplistic way of looking at Zimbabwe and many other African Countries. The problem with this assertation is that we ignore the way in which Colonialism interrupted the…
practice which is learned over time, and it takes effort. The triple bottom line is social, ecological, and financial and it emphasizes people, planet, and profit. As a finance and economics major, I found that economics and sustainability are relevant because of how sustainability helps not only the physical environment, but also the economic environment. In order to achieve the best results for this planet, one must be conscious in how they use their resources. When it comes to sustainability,…