thus enabling the pedagogy to plan and provide a stimulating environment within which the individual child can learn. To obtain such information Howe & Davies (2010) concurred by Bradley et al (2011) refer to the Montessori theory highlighting the importance of observing the child in a variety of naturalistic situations, whether it be teacher-directed or child-led to observe consolidation of an ability. Therefore to maximise knowledge and understanding of Thomas’s development by the practitioner, an observational ‘Time sample’ during child-led activities was undertaken to identify the participation, abilities and interest of Thomas. However Mukherji & Albon (2012) warn of the importance of training by the observer, to prevent bias of life experiences influencing perceptive outcome of such…
Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey and Bruner all stated the importance of play in child development (Karia, 2015). As stated by Karia (2015), “scholars such as John Dewey, one of America’s most famous educators and philosophers, believed that one learns by doing and that children’s play is a primary vehicle for mental growth. Therefore, child-initiated, child-directed, and teacher supported play is an essential component of developmentally appropriate practices in the early years”. From Piaget and…
f) Image healing. Let’s commence our journey with The Brain Buddies in bringing out the genius from our child! Parents Note 1. Create the environment with lots of love and positivity. 2. Set the materials. 3. Look at the progress of your child as “ Be in process” rather than the completed form. 4. Praise his or her virtues with loving words. 5. Should not impose on right answers. 6. Do not impose child to sit and you command. 7. Every Child has different ability to grasp and concentrate.…