11538 Fall 2015 An Inspiration Pop art presented a challenge to traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular culture such as advertising and comic books. One of its aims was to emphasize the elements of any culture, most often through the use of irony. Jack Kirby a forerunner of comic book illustration was a resounding artist who led much of what pop artists drew their inspiration from. Revolutionizing the styles and techniques used by comic artists of the time, Kirby took a more coloristic and surreal approach to his art, this change in nature led to an access of pop artists wanting…
Stan Lee is superior to any writer in history is due to the fact he is born with God given talent to influence the world through his vivid imagination. Ideas sprocketed out of his mind at a rapid pace that people to this day believe that he created the entire comic book industry while Jack Kirby merely drew his ideas. Not only a king of the comic book industry but an icon of the movie industry, Captain Cameo, his nickname, has appeared in over twenty films ranging…
To understand the nature of Lee, you have to take a step back and understand who Lee was before the Marvel phenomenon: a dispirited, middle-aged company stooge working in a dying industry, with no reason to believe anything could change. He was born Stanley Martin Lieber in Manhattan’s Upper West Side on December 28, 1922, the first child of middle-class Jewish parents. Stanley’s father, Jack, had been a dressmaker but suffered from chronic unemployment during the Depression. “Seeing the…
During the Golden Age, it was not uncommon for a single comic book issue to sell over one million copies. A popularity spike of comic books started mostly during World War II. Marvel and DC comics were the most favored. Marvel was created in 1939, and was known as Timely Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. Spider-Man and Wolverine are the most well-known heroes from Marvel. DC Comics also known as Detective Comics, were founded in 1935, by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson. Comic books impacted…
DC and Marvel are the biggest names in the comic industry. With multiple comic lines and universes and an abundance of characters. The comics are limitless, however the movie universe is a different story. Whether you are an avid comic reader or not, and with numorous movies under each comic giant, you may have seen at least one or even multiple movies. Like with great empires, one clearly triumphs over the other. With that in mind, this so called 'war ' between the great powers in the comic…
Throughout the comic, Captain America and his team believe that the government shouldn’t have a say in the way they are run because it limits their ability to do good. On the other hand, Iron Man and his team believe that they should be regulated by the government and elected officials. The Civil War demonstrates what happens when a society is stripped of their civil liberties. In the today’s society we are facing the same problem that the Avengers are facing in the comic, some people want…
In 2018 the director Ryan Coogler created the astonishing movie “Black Panther”. Black Panther barely feels like a Marvel film, or even a hero film. As this film offers a bold, fresh take on the superhero origin story. Chadwick Boseman plays King T'Challa, of Wakanda, the fictional African country housing mystery science fiction innovation, who must advance up and grasp the profound obligation of his inheritance after the death of his dad. Rather than building another, super-suited personality…
In this case study of “THE COMIC BOOK AS SYMBOLIC ENVIRONMENT:THE CASE ON IRON MAN BY JON HOGAN” talks about the realism and the technology that Iron man the marvel comic book character, inspired many of the inventions we have in our world today. “Iron Man is a popular comic series in which the relationship between humanity and technology is a dominant theme”(Hogan 201). As the new generations build on the iconic ironman, the man beneath never changes; only technology evolves with the hero.Iron…
like DareDevil,Stan Lee’s SUPERHUMANS,Agent Carter,and Agents of Shield. On page 34 of Stan Lee’s book “1943.I was probably the only non com who didn’t smoke.Inhaling made me cough.But I did so wanna look like Humphrey Bogart.” Lee.I can tell that Stan Lee wanted to smoke,but he just physically do it. I am also sure that since Stan Lee didn’t smoke when he was younger that is why he is in this position in life. Since Stan Lee was so smarter than usual student he graduated high school at the…
There is saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This idiom means that a picture can explain a whole story. In this situation, this quote does apply; however, the picture does not explain a story, but picture explains is body type. In discussions of A-Force, some have said that the female characters on the cover are portrayed too pornographically. A hero in particular was mentioned in many articles about her body type: She-Hulk. She-hulk of the big green woman on the cover of A-Force is…