They are called The Fastest Man Alive. Did you know that there are four people who call themselves The Flash? Did you know the are two TV shows of The Flash? Did you know that Gerdener Fox Created The Flash and The Justice League of America Jay, Barry, Wally, and Bart are the four Flashes. Barry and Wally are part of The Justice League of America (JLA). The Rival is Jay’s opposite. The Reverse Flash is Barry’s opposite. Zoom is Wally’s opposite. Flashpoint messes up everything. There are more than just Jay, Barry, Wally, and Bart in The Flash comics. Jay in the first of the four Flash. Jay lives in Keystone City, Kansas on Earth-2. Earth-2 is the Earth in the DC multiverse where all the Golden Age heroes live. Keystone City is where Wally…
inhabitants. Governments are putting their trust superheroes that when the time comes God forbid that they can save the day. Source of Hope I recently watched an episode of the CW’s Arrow which is a live action personification of DC comics character the Green Arrow, in 4x19 after criminal Brie Larvan was stopped and apprehended, when character Thea Queen exclaims “We have to be the beacon of hope (Sokolowski and Sullivan, 2016) This quote sums up why superheroes are as prominent as they are.…
jungle queen Sheena, whose sex appeal is what help launch her comic series (Madrid). Tina Robbins in The Great Women Superheroes wrote: “Most of [Fiction House's] pulp-style action stories either starred or featured strong, beautiful, competent heroines. They were war nurses, aviatrixes, girl detectives, counterspies, and animal skin-clad jungle queens, and they were in command. Guns blazing, daggers unsheathed, sword in hand, they leaped across the pages, ready to take on any villain. And they…
believe that kick-butt female characters are all we need, but there are still many stereotypes that need to be addressed. Take a simple yet powerful, comic book trope affectionately called Women In Refrigerators. (WiR) This cliche is used when a female love interest or otherwise strong female character is killed, sexually assaulted, depowered or otherwise injured beyond repair by the villain. For no other reason besides angering our main character. Also, the woman's death provides vengeful…
students to learn about complex American issues that are often hard to teach about such as war, diversity, injustice, social inequality, and so forth. By generating an easier format for students to follow, it would easily inform them about their nation, provoke critical thinking, and perhaps take action against the issues. In nearly every comic book, there is a hero and a villain, which can be related to America and its enemies. Due to this, comic books and graphic novels go hand in hand in…
There is saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. This idiom means that a picture can explain a whole story. In this situation, this quote does apply; however, the picture does not explain a story, but picture explains is body type. In discussions of A-Force, some have said that the female characters on the cover are portrayed too pornographically. A hero in particular was mentioned in many articles about her body type: She-Hulk. She-hulk of the big green woman on the cover of A-Force is…
The superhero costume is a fundamental component to a characters identity that enforces power and signifies the roles and responsibilities that the superhero must convey to its community. Costume is also an element of aesthetic gratification, which is often used in order to exemplify the human physique. The superheroin costume is a controversial subject matter in the film and comic industry. Sexualisation amongst female characters is often brought to the attention of the audience; movies have…
Hidden Powers By Zoe Kinvig It would be amazing if everyone had a superpower, Everyone would be special and unique, They would have great adventures and ideas, They could contribute to the world with their powers, Things would be different in a matter of hours. In a super world, mailmen could fly around the world in an instant, Inventors could come up with award winning ideas with a snap of their fingers. Chefs could replicate food to feed the poor, end world hunger, Cops would have X-ray…
Superheroes. We live in an age of heroes. Whether you’ve seen them in comics, books, TV shows, or movies, you have seen a hero in action. People are fascinated and intrigued by superheroes. Maybe it’s because they give us hope. Maybe it’s because they’re willing to make the sacrafice for the greater good. Maybe it’s the superpowers. Or maybe it’s the really cool costumes. Whatever the reason, one thing about superheroes remains constant; Each hero is a symbol for something. Whether its Superman…
Have you ever wanted to be like Superman? Or saw someone having actions like him? It is a stereotype that Superman is always supposed to save lives and never fail! In “ Superman and Me “ Sherman Alexie and and Superman have many connections. Throughout the story Sherman Alexie is trying to become more like Superman. Superman and Sherman are working to save lives and make the world better by breaking down doors, saving lives, and teaching to never give up. In the text “ Superman and Me “…